New 1.25 Patch available!

Fantasy Kingdom Simulator

Fantasy Kingdom Simulator transports you into a medieval realm where you reign as King of four villages, and your duty is to help them grow and blossom into fully developed cities. You'll be making meaningful choices, important decisions and face the consequences if you plan poorly.

This updates the game to version 1.25 and fixes a few issues with the game. -CHANGE: Modified the game so now it returns to the Main Menu if you fail the game rather than exiting to the desktop. - FIX: Fixed a rare but important issue where you suddenly couldn't access the Function or Building menu anymore unless you saved and reloaded the game. - TWEAK: Tweaked food growth ratios so that you have to keep a slightly closer eye on this than before, and Morale affects food growth slightly more than before. - TWEAK: Adjusted the frequency of fights slightly, along with the chance of finding larger treasures down a bit to increase the challenge. Thanks and enjoy! Derek