New 1.1 Patch -- coming soon!

Fantasy Kingdom Simulator

Fantasy Kingdom Simulator transports you into a medieval realm where you reign as King of four villages, and your duty is to help them grow and blossom into fully developed cities. You'll be making meaningful choices, important decisions and face the consequences if you plan poorly.

The response has been decent so far, but we've also read about some of the concerns people have with the game as well. The 1.1 patch is coming in the next few days, and will address several things brought up by players. - Music will change every 3-5 turns instead of every turn. This will keep the transitions from being so jarring each turn. - Changes in some text to make your role more "accurate" and clear. - Adjustments in gameplay and balance to make it a little more challenging, since some stated they could sometimes win without doing much. That hasn't really been my or my testers experience, but with certain parameters in play, it *could* happen. - Add more events and have them happen a little more often. - UI adjustments to make the game a bit easier to learn. Thanks to everyone who has supported the game! Derek