Native macOS Support Ending

Estranged: Act I

Estranged tells the story of a lone fisherman, whose ship is stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. Explore the rich environments and meet the curious inhabitants of the island as you find a way back to the mainland.

I'm sorry to announce that because of changes Apple are making in macOS Catalina (due to be released later this year), Estranged: Act I will no longer be able to run on macOS. [h1]Impact for macOS Players[/h1][list] [*] In the next few weeks, the Act I store page will no longer list Mac as a supported platform [*] Players that downloaded Act I previously will still be able to access the Mac version of Act I, but after upgrading to macOS Catalina the game will no longer run [/list][i]There is no impact for players on Windows and Linux.[/i] [img][/img] [h1]Technical Details[/h1] The specific changes that Apple will make is the removal of support for 32bit applications. I have [url=]followed up with Valve[/url] around adding 64bit support to the Source SDK 2013, but have not heard anything back. My hope is that since this also impacts Valve's older first party titles, they will fix this in the 2009 engine branch and upstream the changes into the 2013 SDK. Apple are also actively deprecating the OpenGL graphics API in favour of Apple's Metal API - something Source SDK 2013 won't support without a lot of engineering work on Valve's side. To bring Estranged and other Source SDK 2013 games back to Mac for any meaningful length of time, both Metal and 64bit would need to be supported. If you'd like to discuss this, drop a comment below or join the Estranged community at Thanks, Alan