Nation Pack: South African Infantry Gameplay

Wargame: Red Dragon

The new reference in RTS at its best! The Wargame series returns to duty, larger, richer and more spectacular than ever before. In Wargame Red Dragon, you are engaged in a large-scale conflict where Western forces clash against the Communist bloc.

Welcome back! In our previous [b]Wargame: Red Dragon[/b] posts, we highlighted the various combat arms of the [b]South African Defense Force[/b] as they appear in our upcoming, new [b]Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: South Africa[/b]. We’ll go even deeper this time and lift the veil on how each unit will be featured in-game, including their weapon and transport options. First up on the stage, the almighty grunt - [b]Infantry[/b]. Mind you, please treat all the following as [b][i]work in progress[/i][/b] - subject to change! [b][h2]Boots on the ground[/h2][/b] Before we continue, let’s have a happy family shot, and we let you guess who’s who! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5756781/828d6a5264d9e9a6351f001ab4c50001fa37a803.png[/img] The [b]SADF[/b] Infantry (as “foot soldiers” in general, not just the INF ones) will be composed of: [list] [*][b]BOKKOP[/b]. Your regular soldier, available in all decks (except Airborne). These troops can deploy in all manners of transports (soft-skin, [b]Buffel[/b], [b]Casspir[/b], [b]Ratel[/b], [b]Puma[/b] helicopters). They feature [b]R1[/b] (~FN FAL) battle rifles, [b]RPG-7[/b] and [b]Bren[/b] LMG. An upgraded ’90 variant will come with [b]R4[/b] (~Galil) assault rifles, [b]FT5[/b] and [b]FN MAG[/b]. [*][b]MECHBAT[/b] are your “armored” soldiers, available in Mechanized and Armored decks. Their main ride will be the [b]Ratel[/b] APC (and variants). They are armed with [b]R2[/b] (R1 with folding stock) battle rifles, [b]LRAC F1[/b], and [b]SS-77[/b] machine-gun. An upgraded ’90 variant will feature the [b]R5[/b] (R4 with folding stock) assault rifles, [b]FT5[/b] and [b]SS-77[/b]. [*][b]PARABAT[/b] are airborne soldiers, available in Airborne and Motorized decks. They will be transported either in soft-skin trucks or the [b]Buffel[/b] - and of course helicopters. Armed with [b]R2[/b] battle rifles, [b]RPG-7[/b] and [b]SS-77[/b], the upgraded ’90 variant deploys with [b]R5[/b] assault rifles, [b]FT5[/b] and [b]Mini-SS[/b] (~Minimi). [*][b]BUFFALOS[/b] represent the famous “32 Battalion” with its Portuguese-speaking Angolan troops. They are available in all decks, except for Armored and Mechanized. Being light infantry and used to live in enemy territory, they are 15-man squads armed initially with former Portuguese weapons: [b]G3[/b] battle rifles, [b]HK21[/b] LMG, and the ubiquitous [b]RPG-7[/b]. Later, an upgraded ’85 variant features [b]AKM[/b], [b]RPD[/b], and [b]MILAN[/b] missiles. [*][b]SAPPERS[/b] are 5-man squads armed with [b]R1[/b] battle rifles and old-school [b]Lifebuoy[/b] flamethrowers. They are available in all decks and can be deployed with all transports. [*][b]BURGERMAG[/b] are 10-man militia squad, armed with [b]R1[/b] battle rifles and a [b]Super Bazooka[/b]. They are accessible in all decks, except for Airborne or Marine, and can only deploy in soft-skin transports or [b]Buffel[/b] APCs. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5756781/b289a9b0d7388ac3b8b36d573c5e698479290052.png[/img] [b][h2]Other Units[/h2][/b] Some more specialized units are: [list] [*][b]MILAN[/b] teams are the only infantry ATGM available to SADF. They are available in all decks and with all transports. [*][b]STRELA-2[/b] and [b]STRELA-3[/b] teams. These are SADF’s (captured) MANPAD squads. They are available in all decks and with all transports. Available in 1988 yet considered as a prototype in-game are the [b]STINGERS (UNITA)[/b] squads. These teams are anti-communist Angolan allies of the SADF, which had access to this more modern MANPAD while South Africa’s forces - under international embargo - weren’t. [*][b]KOMMANDANT[/b] are the SADF commanders, available in all decks (except for Armored) coming in all transports. [*][b]B-10 (UNITA)[/b] is the first FIST option for the SADF. These are available in all decks, with the [b]B-10[/b] being the same RCL as the Chinese license-produced Type 78 used by the TÁNKÈ SHĀSHǑU. The second squad option is the [b]Inflict[/b], available from 1985 in Airborne and Support decks. This team deploys with a single 107mm MLRS tube used as “pocket artillery” by South African airborne troops. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5756781/28ed462305624793da56a66b1a38231f7d939876.jpg[/img] [b][h2]Special Forces and Recon[/h2][/b] The list continues! [list] [*][b]SASF[/b]. The [i]crème de la crème[/i] of the SADF, available in all decks except for Armored and Support, and with all transports except for the [b]Ratel[/b]. Armed with [b]R5[/b] battle rifles, [b]LRAC F1[/b] and [b]Strela[/b] MANPAD, they also come in a ’90 variant with [b]R5[/b] battle rifles, [b]APILAS[/b] and [b]Stinger[/b]. [*][b]SASF SNIPER[/b]. These are elite 2-man recon teams equipped with the (then prototype) [b]Denel NTW-20[/b] heavy sniper rifle. This weapon can be considered a NATO counterpart to the Yugoslavian SENKE. [*][b]TRACKERS[/b]. Recon squads as light scouts, armed with [b]R1[/b] battle rifles and [b]Bren[/b] LMG, and are available in all decks and with soft-skin, [b]Buffel[/b], and helicopter transports. [*][b]PARA PATHFINDERS[/b] is another recon squad restricted to Airborne and Motorized. Available from 1983 in the same transports as PARABAT, but armed with [b]R5[/b] assault rifles, [b]HK21[/b] LMG, and [b]Y-2[/b] automatic grenade launcher. [/list] [b][h2]Transport options[/h2][/b] Our [b]SADF[/b] grunt will hitch a ride on the battlefield in one of five transport families: [list] [*][b]SAMIL[/b] - soft-skin trucks [*][b]BUFFEL[/b] - light APC [*][b]CASSPIR[/b] - light APC, including the [b]K-Car[/b] variant with a 20mm autocannon. [*][b]RATEL[/b] - IFV, and while classified as light in terms of armor, these vehicles can sport heavier ornaments. This includes the [b]Ratel 20[/b] (20mm autocannon), [b]Ratel 20 MILAN[/b] (same with additional MILAN), [b]Ratel 60[/b] (60mm mortar) and the [b]Ratel 90[/b] (you guessed it… with a 90mm gun). [*][b]PUMA 330H[/b] - a helicopter, which also includes its domestically upgraded [b]Oryx[/b] variant (equal to a Super Puma). [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5756781/97d7f7385ada38bf693d85b5522bcf381fa7df29.jpg[/img] [b][h2]Nation Pack: South Africa in detail[/h2][/b] In case you’ve missed it, we’ve already covered the combat arms historical context of this upcoming [b]Nation Pack[/b]: [list] [*]We have put a spotlight on the all-important grunt: SADF [b]Infantry[/b]. Read all [b][url=]about it here.[/url][/b] [*]We also took a look at the SADF [b]Armor[/b] force, which you can [b][url=]read more about here.[/url][/b] [*]The flyboys claim all the glory in our SAAF [b]Air Force[/b] article, which [b][url=]you can read here[/url][/b]. [*]Hugging the earth, SADF’s rotorcraft fleet get a special treatment in our [b]Helicopter[/b] showcase, which [b][url=]you can read here.[/url][/b] [/list] [b][h2]What will the South Africa Nation Pack bring?[/h2][/b] [b]Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: South Africa[/b] will feature: [list] [*]Close to 90 new SADF units, including 20 brand-new vehicle models, as well as many new variants. All feature new Afrikaans and South African-accented English voice-overs, [i]aie boet![/i] [*]These include the ubiquitous [b]Casspir[/b] and [b]Ratel[/b] APCs (in numerous variants, from IFV, recon, command, mortar, and even SAM), the [b]Rooikat[/b] wheeled tank (including variants and prototypes), [b]Eland[/b] (license-produced French AML), [b]Cactus[/b] (French Crotale), the only tracked [b]Olifant[/b] MBT, many armed variants of locally made [b]SAMIL[/b] trucks ([b]Ystervark[/b] and [b]Bosvark[/b] SPAAG, [b]Valkiri[/b] and [b]Bateleur[/b] MLRS), to the iconic [b]G6 Renoster[/b] self-propelled howitzer. [*]The Air Force includes old [b]Buccaneer[/], [b]Vampire[/b] and [b]Impala[/b] as close-air support, and several French [b]Mirage[/b] variants and the locally modified [b]Cheetah[/b] as fighter and multirole aircraft. Furthermore, you will find the [b]Atlas Carver[/b] prototype, the first full South African prototype plane design (which never left the drawing board). [*]Helicopters include the French [b]Alouette III[/b], [b]Puma[/b], [b]Super Frelon[/b] and their locally produced versions and prototypes such as the [b]K-Car[/b], [b]Oryx[/b] and [b]XTP-1 Beta[/b]. You’ll also be able to deploy South Africa’s very own attack helicopter design, the badass-looking [b]Rooivalk[/b]. [*]Infantry will include [b]Bokkop[/b] regular riflemen, [b]Parabat[/b] paratroopers, [b]SASF[/b] special forces, and many more units such as militia, recon, MANPADS, engineers. You will find Portuguese-speaking Angolan [b]UNITA[/b] squads, as well as SADF’s own [b]32 Battalion[/b] (the Buffalos), as veteran light infantry formation. [*]SADF weaponry features imported or locally built [b]R1[/b] and [b]R4[/b] rifles, [b]SS-77[/b] and [b]Mini-SS[/b] MG, [b]LRAC[/b] and [b]APILAS[/b] LAW, but also the more original [b]HK-21[/b], [b]FT5[/b], [b]Inflict[/b] and, of course, the iconic [b]Y2 grenade-launcher[/b] and [b]NTW-20[/b]. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5756781/70ebc7e53d48c57e12a216cbbba8a78ef9543293.gif[/img] [b][h2]What happens next?[/h2][/b] That’s it for now. Hope you enjoyed the read! We’ll be seeing you in two weeks! Make sure to follow Eugen. Check out our [url=]Eugen forums[/url], or ([url=]Facebook[/url] page and [url=]Twitter[/url])!