Nation Pack - South Africa coming September 30th

Wargame: Red Dragon

The new reference in RTS at its best! The Wargame series returns to duty, larger, richer and more spectacular than ever before. In Wargame Red Dragon, you are engaged in a large-scale conflict where Western forces clash against the Communist bloc.

Good news, everyone! We will release [b]Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: South Africa[/b] on [b]Thursday, September 30th[/b]. The wait is almost over! Itching to get back into the fight with the South African Defence Force’s unique Cold War arsenal? Keep reading for the latest details on the new [b]Nation Pack[/b]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5756781/09857ce863b748837257d359a7cc0775f5096e14.png[/img] [b][h2]What’s on offer?[/h2][/b] [b]Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: South Africa[/b] will be available for $9.99 / 9,99€ (or the equivalent in your local currency). The reason for this price is multifold. First, keep in mind that this [b]Nation Pack[/b] is the first in many years, with the number and quality of (new) models exceeding those featured in previous DLC. Not only that, the amount of work required for this expansion was substantial - game development is neither cheap nor straightforward, especially resuming work on a game as complex as [b]Wargame: Red Dragon[/b]. To lessen the wait until September 30th, [b]Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: South Africa[/b] can now be freely streamed by our VIP testers. Keep your eyes peeled on your favorite channels to see when this hot stuff drops! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5756781/5e8514399d8b6b4577466089a57ad38b8cf45321.jpg[/img] [b][h2]What will the South Africa Nation Pack bring?[/h2][/b] [b]Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: South Africa[/b] will feature: [list] [*]Close to 90 new SADF units, including 20 brand-new vehicle models, as well as many new variants. All feature new Afrikaans and South African-accented English voice-overs. [*]These include the ubiquitous [b]Casspir[/b] and [b]Ratel[/b] APCs (in numerous variants, from IFV, recon, command, mortar, and even SAM), the [b]Rooikat[/b] wheeled tank (including variants and prototypes), [b]Eland[/b] (license-produced French AML), [b]Cactus[/b] (French Crotale), the only tracked [b]Olifant[/b] MBT, many armed variants of locally made [b]SAMIL[/b] trucks ([b]Ystervark[/b] and [b]Bosvark[/b] SPAAG, [b]Valkiri[/b] and [b]Bateleur[/b] MLRS), to the iconic [b]G6 Renoster[/b] self-propelled howitzer. [*]The Air Force includes old [b]Buccaneer[/b], [b]Vampire[/b] and [b]Impala[/b] as close-air support, and several French [b]Mirage[/b] variants and the local [b]Cheetah[/b] as fighter and multirole aircraft. Furthermore, you will find the [b]Atlas Carver[/b] prototype, the first full South African prototype plane design (which never left the drawing board). [*]Helicopters include the French [b]Alouette III[/b], [b]Puma[/b], [b]Super Frelon[/b] and their domestically produced versions and prototypes such as the [b]K-Car[/b], [b]Oryx[/b] and [b]XTP-1 Beta[/b]. You’ll also be able to deploy South Africa’s very own attack helicopter design, the badass-looking [b]Rooivalk[/b]. [*]Infantry will include [b]Bokkop[/b] regular riflemen, [b]Parabat[/b] paratroopers, [b]SASF[/b] special forces, and many more units such as militia, recon, MANPADS, engineers. You will find Portuguese-speaking Angolan [b]UNITA[/b] squads, as well as SADF’s own [b]32 Battalion[/b] (the Buffalos) as a veteran light infantry formation. [*]SADF weaponry features imported or locally built [b]R1[/b] and [b]R4[/b] rifles, [b]SS-77[/b] and [b]Mini-SS[/b] MG, [b]LRAC[/b] and [b]APILAS[/b] LAW, but also the more original [b]HK-21[/b], [b]FT5[/b], [b]Inflict[/b] and, of course, the iconic [b]Y2 grenade-launcher[/b] and [b]NTW-20[/b]. [/list] [b][h2]Want to know more?[/h2][/b] In case you’ve missed it, we have published a series of deep dives into the South African arsenal featured in the [b]Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: South Africa[/b]. Read them in the following posts: [list] [*]We put a spotlight on the all-important grunt: SADF [b]Infantry[/b]. Read all [b][url=]about it here.[/url][/b] And if you want to know how these forces appear in-game, check out this [b][url=]detailed gameplay deep dive here[/url][/b]. [*]We also looked at the SADF [b]Armor[/b] force, which you can [b][url=]read more about here.[/url][/b] Curious how these units look in-game? Check out this [b][url=]gameplay post here[/url][/b]. [*]The flyboys claim all the glory in our SAAF [b]Air Force[/b] article, which [b][url=]you can read here[/url][/b]. To read more about the planes in-game, be sure [b][url=]to read this post here.[/url][/b] [*]Hugging the earth, SADF’s rotorcraft fleet get special treatment in our [b]Helicopter[/b] showcase, which [b][url=]you can read here.[/url][/b] To read more about the choppers in-game, be sure to read this [b][url=]gameplay post here.[/url][/b] [/list] To stay in touch, check out our [url=]Eugen forums[/url], or ([url=]Facebook[/url] page and [url=]Twitter[/url])! See you soon!