My Liege Playtest Update #1

My Liege Playtest

[h1]Major updates[/h1] [list] [*] Meeple/Horse pathfinding much more efficient. Fixes problems during cutscenes where meeples would randomly stop marching or the horses just stood there when they were supposed to be jousting. Problem was they were looking too far into the future when checking for obstacles, which leads to a fun scenario where two all knowing horses spend 7 seconds staring at each other as they comprehend the future before sprinting to where the other is standing. [*] LOD groups assigned to all objects, improving performance on average by 5-10 fps. At highest setting it should be hard to notice when objects are rendered due to draw distance and fog effect. [*] All major towns/settlements finished (players town unaffected, but every other town cleaned up and fleshed out more) [*] New settings options: Camera scroll speed and Overall Volume. Scroll speed goes from 50%-500% in case you just gotta go fast. [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes:[/h1] [list] [*] A couple options/questions that could lead to soft locks have been resolved. [*] Changing a persons hair color is properly saved now. There were cases where it wasn't and I'm surprised nobody complained. [*] Creating a new save file with the same name as an existing save will now properly ask you to confirm you are overwriting an existing save. [*] On family editor, the voice preview button and changing voice profiles plays sample audio (paired with animation). [*] Scroll wheel makes sense now, scrolling in zooms in and scrolling out zooms out. [*] A large host of grammar/spelling errors cleaned up (thanks DiGarcia). [/list] [h1]Minor updates[/h1] [list] [*] What Act and the Act's name you are playing is displayed as the curtain is closed while the level is loading. [*] No longer allowed to save mid cinematic playing. On some cinematics this could lead to a broken save file. [*] The very first instance of the curtains opening during the opening main menu sequence no longer has big stutter at .1 seconds. There is still a lighting flicker that occasionally happens that I am working on. [/list] [h1]Outstanding notable items that are being worked on for a future update:[/h1] [list] [*] Camera going under the ground when quickly panning to "reassigned" meeples. [*] Family tree menus whole "vibe" [*] Buttons and specifically scroll bar visuals [*] Lighting overhaul [*] Audio overhaul [*] Many many more little items that have been recorded by my lovely play testers :) [/list]