Morels: The Hunt 2 - Update!

Morels: The Hunt 2

Morels 2 is a simulation game about mushroom hunting and wildlife photography. Explore a diverse range of locations spanning across the globe. Increase your hunter and photographer levels by collecting a variety of mushrooms, photographing animals, and completing weekly tasks.

We've been listening to your feedback and have a new build live with some updates and fixes. [h2]Updates[/h2] [list] [*] You can now toggle footprints on and off on your map in Settings under Gameplay. [*] Ability to change day length at beginning of each day. You will see the day length options under the time you wish to start your day. [*] We added an extra light in front of the horse when using headlamp. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed the bug that sometimes would not have you on the correct photographer level. [*] Mushrooms weekly tasks counts not updating in real-time should now be fixed. [*] Fixed hearing nighttime noise at night underwater in ocean map. [*] Fixed hearing parakeet underwater ocean map. [*] Fixed hearing ocean waves underwater in ocean map. [*] Fixed hole in ocean floor in ocean map. [*] Removed white cube in distance of ocean map [*] Main Music will now work with UI music volume in Settings. [*] Fixed area in Jungle map where you could get stuck. [*] Controller not working if you opened up the map while the item shopping screen was open should be fixed. [*] Localization Updates. [*] Other minor updates and bug fixes. [/list] Thank you again to everyone who has played the game and for all of the feedback. It really means a lot to us. -The Abrams Studios Team