May 4th Patch - Bug Fixes

Morels: The Hunt 2

Morels 2 is a simulation game about mushroom hunting and wildlife photography. Explore a diverse range of locations spanning across the globe. Increase your hunter and photographer levels by collecting a variety of mushrooms, photographing animals, and completing weekly tasks.

We just put out an update with the following bug fixes. [list] [*] Farm Map Sound Effect Bug. [*] Weekly task real-time update. The weekly tasks should hopefullly update counts in real-time now as you are doing them. [*] Mountain forest getting stuck fix. [*] Added option to close the settings menu in the main menu of the game. [*] Fixed the language selection bug that would sometimes not change the language. [*] The master volume will now also change the music volume. Music was being ignored in the master volume setting. [*] Spiders off bug. If you selected spiders off in the main menu under settings it was not actually setting spiders to be set to off. This should be fixed now. [/list] Thank you to everyone for all the feedback and support!