Morels is a simulation game about mushroom hunting and wildlife photography. Explore a diverse range of regions spanning across the United States. Increase your hunter and photographer levels by collecting a variety of mushrooms, photographing animals, and completing weekly tasks.
I just wanted to take a moment to share the most recent update on my health issue as well address what that will mean for future updates and game developments.
[h2]Health Updates[/h2]
The NIH (National Institutes of Health) in Maryland have found a donor and I have an official bone marrow transplant date. The actual transplant date is January 29th. Testing will begin on January 7th. We will have to stay in the area until at least the middle of May. My family and I will make the temporary move from Indiana to Maryland at the beginning of January. If the transplant is successful, it could cure both the VEXAS and the blood cancer. This journey has been a rollercoaster of emotions. I am so thankful for my donor who has blessed me with a second chance at life. Even through these difficult times God has blessed us in so many ways. We are very thankful.
[h2]What does this mean for future updates and game development?[/h2]
I think we may be able to squeeze out one more update before starting this journey in January. If there are any issues that need to be addressed or fixed please let us know. Also let us know if there are any updates that you would like to see and we will see if we can get them in the game before January.
I should still be able to check support messages and try to keep up on here as well. I would imagine the first couple of months this may be more difficult, but I will do my best. As for actual updates or bug fixes, those most likely will depend on how recovery is going after transplant.
[h2]Other News[/h2]
Morels: The Hunt 2 will officially release on Playstation 5 next Thursday on November 14th.
Thank you to everyone for the support!