Monthly Leaderboard - July 2024

Disaster Golf

Disaster Golf is a new, fast-paced take on golf that requires you to react on the fly. Experiment with many combinations of natural disasters to navigate the golf ball through wild and diverse courses as fast as you can!

Hello Swimming Sharks, It can no longer be stopped, the endings must all, in time, end. So before they do, lets take a look at the top spots from July's highlighted levels: [h1]Island Hopping[/h1] [olist] [*] Cecil | 00:29.68 | Lightning, Wind, Singularity, Meteor [*] BuBravesfan87 | 02:53.93 | Meteor, Wind, Geyser, Lightning [/olist] Only 2 people, but that means both are featured! Congratz to Cecil for zapping up to the top! [h1]Pyramid Scheme[/h1] [olist] [*] IcarusPanda | 00:35.42 | Lightning, Wind, Geyser, Sandstorm [/olist] One person at the top, that fits a pyramid scheme all right. IcarusPanda, don't fly any closer to the sun or your fur will catch fire! [h1]Highlighted Levels[/h1] Bouncy bouncy, mushrooms are fun! Let's see who can bounce the fastest [list] [*] Fungi Isle [*] All Mushrooms [/list] Boing, get bouncing! [h1]Development Update[/h1] Meteor Basketball lumbers onward, the base levels are done, artist recaptured and working on arting them out, and generally things are going smoothly. It shall be released soon(tm) Happy golfing! - Auri