Monthly Leaderboard - August 2024

Disaster Golf

Disaster Golf is a new, fast-paced take on golf that requires you to react on the fly. Experiment with many combinations of natural disasters to navigate the golf ball through wild and diverse courses as fast as you can!

Hello Mushy Mushrooms, Mushy mushrooms sound somewhat tasty, lets get some good, non-poisonous mushrooms and try it! And nothing pairs as well with a hearty meal than knowing August's monthly leaderboard highlights! [h1]Fungi Isle[/h1] [olist] [*] BuBravesfan87 | 00:51.23 | Meteor, Wind, Singularity, Lightning [/olist] Just one person, just one, for the mushroom monarch! Next time, more sacrif- I mean, players are demanded! [h1]All Mushrooms[/h1] [olist] [*] Auri | 00:33.86 | Lightning, Wind, Singularity, Geyser (I'm back!) [/olist] It is unfortunate, but I am not a valid sacrifice for the mushroom monarch. Better luck next time. [h1]Highlighted Levels[/h1] Spinny spins, lets see if you can avoid getting dizzy this month! [list] [*] Perpetual Motion [*] Wheels [/list] Centripetal force, go! [h1]Development Update[/h1] Nothing in this post, expect a separate post in the coming days/weeks (as soon as some things are cleared internally). Happy golfing! - Auri