Hi Community!
We know things have been quiet since our last update, and that’s because we’ve been working on bringing Monster Train to mobile! In just two weeks, you will have another way to bring your favorite deck builder with you everywhere. Monster Train iOS will be launching on October 27th and [url=https://apps.apple.com/app/monster-train/id1577392165]you can [b]PRE-ORDER[/b] now! [/url]
[h2]What about our Android users?[/h2]
The Android version is next on our list, so thanks for waiting patiently as we focus on that. In the meantime, is it the right time to brag that Monster Train Steam Deck has officially been verified by Valve as Playable ;) ?
[h2]What does it cost?[/h2]
Monster Train on iOS will cost $9.99 for the base game you already love, and includes the Wild Mutations, and Friends and Foes update. The Last Divinity DLC can be purchased for an additional $3.99.
Enjoy our new announcement trailer, pre-order, and let us know what you think on [url=https://discord.com/invite/monstertrain]Discord.[/url]