Missing Ships Test Fix


BattleGroupVR is a first person real-time space strategy where you lead a fleet of powerful warships into battle from the bridge of your own flagship. Assemble your fleet, upgrade your load-outs, train your captains, engage the enemy and secure the sector. Try not to go down with the ship.

Following up on the reports people have sent in regarding the bug where enemy ships go missing and players are unable to complete the mission. Looks like some strange error where a collision ends up setting the ship position to NaN (not a number). Not sure what causes this so I implemented a catch where the ship will reposition itself to its last valid location. Hopefully, this will bypass and correct any one-off random accidents... or worst case it will put the ship back into a position where it will immediately go NaN again, please let me know if you see more ships disappearing after this patch. Other Changes: - friendly warpout radar holograms now remove themselves from radar correctly - fixed mission brief cutoff - fixed local coop PC player not returning target agency to units when no longer controlling them - docked ships no longer require a captain