Minor Patch v2.0.7

The Coffin of Andy and Leyley

Walk-n-talk adventure with light puzzling. Brother and sister practice cannibalism after witnessing a botched satanic ritual.

[list] [*]Fixed name alignments in dialogue box. [*]Volume can now be adjusted in 1% steps. [*]Improved error catching for corrupt game settings files. (Resets to defaults.) [*]Fixed save game timing to be frame rate independent. Loading games should update to an accurate value. [*]Added puzzle reset for a soft-locking situation when running out of items. [b]WARNING:[/b] [u]Saved games already in the locked state may not be recoverable.[/u] [/list] More fixes to come. Please use the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2378900/discussions/1/]Bugs, Typos, Issues, and Support[/url] board to report any problems.