One of many events on Sunset Moon. This event originates from Scandinavian Culture and I thought it would be neat to have it in the game. My grandfather Rune and his brother Kurt gathered their children and grandchildren to compete in 5 silly challenges.
The winning Family got to bring home a Fish made of glass and keep it as a pride and joy until next year where the same fish was up for grabs to the winning team.
I will try to re-create some of the challenges in Sunset Moon for the player to enjoy.
1. Potato Sack Jumping
2. Egg Balance Walk
3. Rope-Kampf
4. Best-in-Bed
5. Intelligence test
Also teamed up with Team-MAX, very famous Japanese Studio, who will be providing Music for the game.
The music you hear is the "Midsummer-Theme" By Johannes/Team-MAX.