Midinous Version Is Here! - Change Log


Midinous is a grid-based non-linear MIDI sequencer usable with any Digital Audio Workstation or hardware that accepts MIDI messages. Midinous can also generate its own simple sounds either for reference, or for normal use.

[h3] Changelog - Fixes & New Things[/h3] [h4]General[/h4] [list] [*] Manual has been updated to - If you can't access the manual in the program, you can reach it here, or on Discord: https://github.com/Nornec/Midinous-Issues [*] A new MIDI port (Midinous Thru Port) will now take the input from whatever MIDI device you are using and send it out on this port. So if you are using a keyboard, the keyboard's MIDI will be mirrored on this port. [*] Added a point ID indicator to the Properties Pane [*] Tempo changes now correctly reflect traveler time in the program. Additionally, this changed logic means that moving points around in the program now also immediately updates all travelers along that path's time to live, meaning live editing is now even more accurate! I'm still working on how Midinous can sync externally to clock messages with tempo and not just transport controls. Expect this in a future update. [*] Logs have moved and will now be saved in /log -- This is now the same relative location across all platforms. [*] Updated the EULA -- you may have to read then re-accept when you launch the next time, but only once. [*] As always, if you encounter issues with, roll back to a previous version until things are fixed. If you encounter bugs, please let me know! [*] The Feedback form now sends an email directly to help@midinous.com, the same email address you are always welcome to send feedback to the manual way too! I always love to hear your thoughts on the program. [/list] [h4]Fixes[/h4] [list] [*] Fixed a crash when trying to save a file with a '?' in it. '?' will now be converted to '_' if entered in the filename. [*] Fixed a crash when trying to copy or paste properties without a point being selected. Oops! [*] Fixed the issue of WAY too many autosaves being made. There should only ever be 12, not 12 per project! [*] The Logic Point color picker is now just like the other color pickers in the program. However this may break some saves. You will have to reconfigure the color to come from the point itself instead of the "Send Color" special color option. In my opinion this is much clearer to the user where colors are coming from. [*] Fixed an issue where using MIDI input at the same time as the note and octave selector in Point properties would not be setting properties correctly [*] Fixed an issue when copying and pasting points and properties -- color values would not carry over. [*] Fixed an annoyance with text input into spin buttons. The field will now accept both a '0' and a '.' as the first character typed. [*] Fixed an issue where you couldn't pan to groups using the mouse [*] Fixed bug causing the program to crash when using negative weights on random points. Now, when random points have paths leaving it which have a weight of -1, it correctly reflects the manual: these paths are not chosen. [*] Fixed a graphical inconsistency with the manual, where paths coming from Random points with a weight of -1 were not listed as disabled but the manual said they would be. [*] Fixed a bug where the feedback form short text field was not getting set properly in certain theme situations [/list] [h4]New Stuff[/h4] [list] [*] Theme chooser! Use the theme chooser from the appearance options menu and choose a theme to open, or save your current one. I have included a few themes for you to pick from. My favorite one is "crypt"! You cannot modify the 'default' theme, but you can save a new version of it if you wish. If you have lost or need access to the original supplied themes, they are in the Midinous install directory under user/themes [*] Separate autosave area: To reach your autosaves now, in the event of a crash, in the Open dialog, press the "Autosaves" button next to "Presets". They'll no longer clutter up the projects list. [*] There is now a set pallette of preset colors you can choose from in the various color pickers in the program! The last row of 10 colors are the colors that you've set for your UI and the various elements in the program. Change these by changing your appearance settings. [*] Added some easter eggs. Email me if you think you found them all :) [/list] [h4]Life Updates[/h4] What would a Midinous update be without a life update? ^.^ -- I have been running around like crazy dealing with a legal name change and it has totally consumed the latter part of my year. Trying to change your name in the southern US is a wild beast, but I'm making the best of it, and I'm making a video to go along with my experience! I also bought a Japanese Kei Truck (a Daihatsu Hijet) for several good reasons but the chief among them being I am incredibly irresponsible. But this should be a good addition to my home as it will allow me to do more projects around the property and I also plan to use it to help others with their neighborly issues. Midinous had an absolutely stellar year. Thank you to everyone who supports me on [b]Patreon[/b] and continues to spread the word about Midinous. I really do think I have something special here and I want to continue expounding upon it as long as people are interested, and they are definitely interested! I have some to-do items for the next update, such as getting external clock message sync working, and rewriting the logic system to be more accurate (you wouldn't believe how complex this is off paper). Happy to accept ideas, suggestions, and feature requests via Discord or email. I'm always listening to you, dear user. I love seeing what people make with Midinous and love it even more when people send me their patches to test! Now you'll be able to share themes with each other which is even better. Send me your favorites in an email! Anyway, all the best to you and yours. It's cold up here in the northern hemisphere right now, so I'm cozied up with a cup of hot cocoa and I've got my coding leggings on. I hope you are doing well, and as always... Keep creating, Jae ♥