Metal March's Beginner Experience has been started!

Metal March: Beginner Experience

Metal March, is the ultimate fusion of CHESS-inspired turn-based strategy and card game mechanics (CCG)! Create a force that fits your strategy & style and generate powerful synergies by using cards and relics to complete your expedition! Gather your troops and get ready to March your Metals!

[h3][/h3] Hello, I'm greeting you from the BlueTale team. We're excited to finally introduce you to Metal March: Beginner Experience, a free trial game of Metal March. This version game is includes 1 race and 1 region, a total of 2-3 hours of playable time. You'll see the overall flow of the game, the initial strategy, etc! You can always purchase an full game and continue, so please pay a lot of attention! All feedbacks received will be carefully reviewed and updated in both Metal March and Metal March: Beginner Experience. Feel free to let us know even the smallest things!