Mega update "Unmechanical Extended" released!


A carefully created world with unique environments and an engrossing atmosphere, Unmechanical offers over 30 unique puzzles of exploration and adventure!

Unmechanical, our adorable puzzle-exploration title just got quite a bit bigger! We've just updated Unmechanical to the Extended version, adding an entire hour worth of gameplay to the game entirely for free, along with Linux and Mac support! [i]Unmechanical Extended Edition adds Mac and Linux support to the game, but it also adds a whole new chunk of gameplay - an alternative story of two little robots swallowed up by the darkness that lurks beneath their cities. After being separated in the caves and mazes, the only question that remains is whether you'll save your little friend, or will he save you?[/i] The Extended upgrade is free for everyone who already owns the game, and we've set a limited time launch discount for anyone who wants to join in :) Have fun!