Mechajammer | V1.07 Patch Notes


A tactical cyberpunk turn-based RPG set on an off-world grindhouse jungle colony. Skulk through the shadows or charge in guns blazing. Recruit a unique party for large squad-based assaults as your adventure plunges you deep into the city’s secrets.

The January segment of our [url=]Post Launch Roadmap[/url] is nearing it's end! We've been cramming the v1.07 patch full of updates and are now well on the path to 1.1. Highlights from this update include keyboard re-binding, achievements and improvements to the tutorial (we heard you and we've shortened it, too). [i](Quick Note: all achievements work as intended apart from one involving a gang of hackers. There’s currently a bug with their spawn node and it will be corrected in v1.08!) [/i] Here is the full v1.07 change-list: [b]UI[/b] [list] [*] Tutorial messages updated to accurately reflect systems [*] Game feed additions: Faction resolution information [*] Game feed additions: Objects taking damage [*] Game feed additions: Objects breaking [*] Game feed additions: Learning percentage from deciphering text [*] Game feed additions: Show text from sign [*] Game feed additions: Show when time is added to next action from switching item [*] Game feed additions: Fire, oil, acid, traps [*] Fixed durability showing several decimals instead of whole integer for items in bag [*] Elevator keypad removed option to type alphabet keys [*] Fullscreen button fixed to match fullscreen status in Settings menu when starting the game [*] Added information about current noise radius to detection map and character sheet in “Crouch Radius” description [*] Added skip button for intro as an alternative to double click [/list] [b]Tutorial[/b] [list] [*] Tutorial integrated into beginning of new games [*] Saving and loading functionality added [*] Skip functionality added [*] Tutorial shortened to reduce intro time [*] Clarity added to sight and hearing systems [*] Tutorial radio and help notice text updated to accurately reflect systems [*] Tutorial ending changed to trigger after last four training drones dispatched [/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*] Fixed bug where traps do not save correctly after being used [*] Fixed infinite traps from one bug [*] Fixed bug with plasma guns not hitting cars [*] Fixed visual issue with attack animation plays twice if you’re hit while prepping attack [*] Car lot note has corrected code for elevator [*] Fixed ferry that takes player to Arms Guild prison island [*] Fixed errors occurring on some machines while changing blocks during bridge cinematic [*] Fixed bug with cars not taking damage while parked [*] Fixed bug where companion group number saving unpredictably [*] Updated incorrect text displaying on Gershwein terminal to return player to train station [*] Fixed bug where equipping item did not add one turn to next action [*] Updated Gershwein's computer to shows accurate language when opening his study door [*] Closing gap between interactive objects more predictable [*] Reload noise on game load removed [*] Fixed bug where cars cannot hop curbs [*] Game correctly pauses when Faction map alert opens [*] Fixed bug where fight with boss in gangs triggers combat mode remaining active after combatants have left [*] Increased XP gained from allying gangs to balance with destroying gang [*] Gang reputation meter updated to be accurate between saves [*] Balanced various lockpick rolls [*] Sight cones in detection map shrink when you are in grass or shadow to reflect how far an NPC can see [*] Fixed bug with surface type modifier not updating noise radius [*] Fixed bug where interactive objects are not saving correctly when quick saving then leaving a map and returning [*] Updated armor item descriptions to clarify Armor Rolls and Threshold mechanics [/list] [b]Art[/b] [list] [*] Fixed black box on top of house south of Faith Temple [*] Grubworm workers have a different sprite than guards to differentiate hostile workers (coming Tuesday) [*] Reduced number of guards in various areas of map for balance [*] Fixed bug with flickering lights in Copper Face lab [*] Fixed East Bridge block not connecting correctly to neighboring block [*] Removed excess new kidney NPCs in Old Town Bridge [*] Fixed texture issue with building flickering in Factus West [*] Fixed missing texture under building Factus Core South [*] Fixing flashing line of sight visual in Factus Core Northeast [*] Smuggler area south of Faith rock light of sight issue fixed [*] Factus Core west long wall flickering texture fixed [/list] [b]A very special thank you to all the players who have been reporting feedback and patiently waiting for new features! Here's a list of folks that have reported bugs via our Discord that have been fixed in v1.06 and v1.07: [/b] Rithrin Shizuwolf34 aure cosplaydiver D I N G| |xpoopanusx| |Andrew Andre Jordiii fugori Murdergurl yarow12 prestoppc Redglyph floppy_glass borkenal MrMistersen Toupzy Doomguy catmes syke_low Naiba Scramster yarow12 net8floz kormakrtv GamleKorp For bug-reporting and other Mechajammer-flavoured discussion, please head to the [url=]official Discord server[/url]. We're looking forward to seeing what you think of the v1.07 patch and we're already hard at work on v1.08! Thank you all for your comments and support, until next time, [b]— Whalenought Studios & Modern Wolf[/b]