HNY and Welcome Back to Calitana!


A tactical cyberpunk turn-based RPG set on an off-world grindhouse jungle colony. Skulk through the shadows or charge in guns blazing. Recruit a unique party for large squad-based assaults as your adventure plunges you deep into the city’s secrets.

[b]Happy New Year! [/b] We hope you were able to spend time with family, friends and your backlogs of video games :) Over the holidays we kept a second 'Quinton Testing Branch' open for players who wanted to try out Mechajammer fixes and additions as we worked on them (the branch is still available now!) and we're now putting v1.06 of Mechajammer through our own QA testers before its release. The 1.06 update will be hitting the main branch soon and you can expect 73 additions, fixes and improvements. Keep your eyes peeled for full details and patch notes very soon. Until then, we wanted to share some content from the community. We've been excited to see what you've thought of the game so far, your stories and experiences from your time exploring Calitana. [b]Over on our Discord you've been sharing your character builds![/b] Kanonite's "child soldier" build [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723210/9bbd9b5dffec382609dee770f089e8fd0d64794e.jpg[/img] Naiba's very aptly named "bang bang bang bang" build [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723210/be93b7fb73cff82e69e240392040ffc80a025cc6.png[/img] Friday_Living's "69 year old woman" build [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723210/3b8295f99c4ab7303619552501c0d3e7c7b2851c.png[/img] Toupzy's "sneak-throw-stab" build [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40723210/3be2ceb5f7c8bfed3fbb65752532f081a1a83b5b.png[/img] Share your own over on our [url=]Discord[/url] and we'll show them next time! We've also been keeping our eyes out for your gameplay videos to gather feedback and see how you're experiencing the game! We particularly enjoyed watching these: [previewyoutube=41fvJQGXm7Y;full][/previewyoutube] That soundtrack really gives us away... [previewyoutube=u-93FDA8QuQ;full][/previewyoutube] We've been loving this ongoing series from KormarkTv! [previewyoutube=keavxCipnBs;full][/previewyoutube] BringItDon has made 7 videos playing through Mechajammer so far, it's been great to watch later content being played [previewyoutube=yQL9RrgPTQs;full][/previewyoutube] WizardWorm has been helping folks new to the game survive with their series! Thanks again for sticking by us, it's great to see your reactions to the updates and we can't wait for you to see v1.06 ahead of even [url=]bigger updates[/url] down the line. [b]— Whalenought Studios & Modern Wolf[/b]