Slayers, Inc. is a roguelite twin-stick shooter about killing hordes of demons. Acquire items to brutalize them in new and unique ways, empower yourself with Artifacts to kill 'em with style, don't forget to keep your combo going, and give those infernal fools the boot!
Hello Slayers.
Early in April we pushed an update to the demo with a few major changes including some art asset reworks and a few systems changes. A full list of those changes can be viewed in our previous post. While its fun to continue to keep you up to date on changes made, this marks the end of the updates we will make to the demo unless something drastic happens. We're currently putting our efforts towards nailing out content for the main game. So without further ado, here's how the last month went:
[*] Art for new Area
[*] One new character art
[*] One Area
[*] Two enemies
[h3]Major Additions:[/h3]
[*] Demo update
[*] Two Areas
[*] Six items
[*] Two enemies
[*] A new boss
[h3]Minor Additions and Improvements[/h3]
[*] Area 8 boss music
[*] All bosses now have a pause theme
[*] Reworked a few environment particles
[*] Tileset for Area 5 complete
[*] Art for new items
[*] Item synergy tweaks
[*] Added particles for healing and gaining armor
[*] More performance tweaks
Keep an eye on our [url=]Twitter[/url] and [url=]Discord server[/url] for teasers, announcements, and more as development continues.
Happy Slaying!