August Progress Update

Slayers, Inc.

Slayers, Inc. is a roguelite twin-stick shooter about killing hordes of demons. Acquire items to brutalize them in new and unique ways, empower yourself with Artifacts to kill 'em with style, don't forget to keep your combo going, and give those infernal fools the boot!

Hello Slayers, It's the end of July already, so you know what that means. [h3]In-Progress[/h3] [list] [*] Enemy sound effects [/list] [h3]Major Additions[/h3] [list] [*] All Character Art Complete! [*] Tileset for Area 4B Complete! [*] Tileset for Area 5 Complete! [*] Art for Area 3B Boss Complete! [*] New backgrounds for all Areas [*] Overhauled gamepad support, added rumble support [*] Added a Statistics section to the Archives [*] All enemies now have their Hard mode quirks implemented [/list] [h3]Minor Additions and Improvements[/h3] [list] [*] Victory music completed [*] Pierce shots overhauled [*] Tutorial updated [*] Balance, bug fixes, and boptimizations [*] Added some extra aesthetic touches to menus [*] Mini-boss art complete! [/list] As we head into August, we're rapidly approaching our estimated release window. We don't have a set date yet but we will try to give you a decent heads up once we can guarantee we can hit it. Expect to see an announcement in the next few weeks. As always, be sure keep an eye on our [url=]Twitter[/url] and [url=]Discord server[/url] for teasers, announcements, and more as development continues. Happy Slaying!