Major Update - New Game Base

Werewolf Hunter X

Werewolf Hunter X is a 2d survival crafting game that is currently in development by SeaCreatureSandwich, and boasts unique item building mechanics, procedural generation, rogue-like resource scarcity, mythical monsters, procedural world design, and much more.

It has been a long time since I have last made changes to this game. The world has seen some pretty crazy stuff, and I have been working on other projects. and now... WHX is back! In the spirit of brevity here are the things you need to know: [olist] [*] This latest update is the start of a brand-new build of the game [*] I will release a new update at the end of each month until WHX is feature complete [*] Because this is the first release of the new build, and there isn't anything to actually do in the game as it stands, I will likely release twice in the months of February and March, so keep yours eyes peeled [/olist] Thank you everyone for your patience, and I look forward to developing something fun and exciting for you all to enjoy. Please stand by...