Major Update 1.1.0 in Development!

Carnaval Simulator

Build & design your own parades! Create light shows, setup animatronics, use special effects, play music, and more to captivate audiences in both singleplayer & multiplayer. Inspired by real-world celebrations like Mardi Gras & Carnival of Brazil 🎊

Howdy guys! It's been a bit since last post. I got really sick the past time and Carnaval took place. Now I have recovered for most part and I am happy to announce that work is being made on the next major update! For now on, larger updates will take place that will take some longer time to develop. I may still throw in some small updates after each one though but expect longer update times but in return you receive greater content. All updates will be of course completely free :) I have made my general plans for the year all the way up to Carnaval 2025 for the game's official release. Great things are ahead of us, this will raise the game's quality massively. So what will be in this major update? Well I already made a post about the plans for Carnaval Simulator a while ago. Plans have changed in some ways though due to revisions, community feedback or it got added to the game already. Here's what to expect: [list] [*] Customizable front cart (finally hidding your tractor) [*] Proper stretch mechanic -> stretch your props in certain ways [*] Gravity score mechanic -> don't worry, this will not affect sandbox and it's only a score mechanic [*] Durability mechanic, affected by the temperature [*] A better value system for each prop [*] Crew progression perks -> crew becomes more useful [*] Honking in multiplayer [*] Throwing confetti in first person [*] More loading screens [*] More camera controls [*] More props -> currently I can promise a new character, the rest is a secret [/list] Besides these new features, I will always try to fix bugs whenever I can. I am really grateful to all people reporting these bugs. They all get looked at. Old promises that have been altered: [list] [*] Spectator camera -> already added in update [*] Rearrangement of the mod structure -> moved to the future [*] More modable options -> moved to the future [*] Better learning curve / more balanced game -> already dealt with but changes may still occur all through out development [/list] I will keep you guys up to date on the progress. I cannot provide an exact release date but this information will follow. Smaller additions like a button to enable all rotations in build mode may be added too but I will let you guys know about this as the update progresses. I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend, we will see each other next time. Ciao!