Magicite v2.0 Released!


Explore, craft, and survive in this Multiplayer RPG Platformer with permanent death! Featuring many Rogue-like elements, Magicite randomly generates each underground dungeon for you and your friends to delve deep into.

Magicite v2.0 (Final Update) Hey all! I know it's been 10 years since the last update but here it is. I went through all of the code and cleaned up a bunch of things, making the game run smoother in both single player and multiplayer. I've also added the final companion unlock as well as a brand new mode! -Added Madman Mode (Warning: Only for strong-willed Magicite Veterans!) -Added 4th Age Droid [New Companion] -Trees/Ores/Bugspots/Itemstands/Enemies/etc. now drop items LOCALLY for every player, lessening the network load a ton and also makes sure everyone gets an equal amount of loot! -EXP/Gold are also dropped locally as well, making network a lot smoother. -You can now select your traits rather than having to pray to RNGesus. -Added various sound effects. -Added awesome new Inventory/Crafting textures. -Inventory can be opened with R or TAB keys. -You can't spam W to skip biomes wtf u cheaters. -Spirit Race stats have been changed from [HP+5, ATK+15] to [HP+7, ATK+3] -Optimized networking code a lot more. -Mysterious Potion now heals for 10 HP, 10 Mana, or just throws a poison vial. -Big Mysterious Potion now heals for 15 HP, 15 Mana, or just throws a poison vial. -Laser Crossbow no longer only deals 1 damage. -Wooden Club now gives 18 ATK. -Fairies now have 90 hp, 4 atk, and move faster. -Throwing Axe now deals half damage. -Flame of Hope now only gives you 1 point to a random stat upon levelling up. Thank you all so much for the support for my games. Magicite was my very first PC game that I made when I was a junior in college, and I never thought it would achieve such a massive following. It exceeded my wildest dreams and solidified my passion for the world of indie game development. BUT it also threw me into a crazed depression for quite a bit of time. This is the final update for Magicite. As a 1 man dev team I need to move on to bigger and better things. It's okay if you hate me for it, and as I've said before on reddit and on Steam, I'll always provide refunds to players who feel that they've been cheated of their money regardless of playtime on Steam. YOU as the player should hold all of the power over us developers, and it is our job to make games that are fun and worth their price tag. But guys I can't work on this game anymore. I need to grow as a game developer and I need to challenge myself with new ideas. There could be 100 more updates made to Magicite and I could keep refining it into better and better versions of itself, but it would still just be Magicite. I would be miserable. I've learned so much during the past couple of years and I'm itching to flex my programming and art skills a little more. For my sanity, I NEED to pursue my new ambitious ideas. So I hope for $9.99, $4.99, or whatever you've paid for Magicite, it has been worth it. I've watched tons of your guys' videos on youtube and I've seen the heart-pounding chaotic fun in my dangerous world of Deephaven. I hope these moments hold a special place in your heart, because they certainly do for me. So really, thank you so much again for your support. I hope to impress all of you with the big projects I have planned in the coming years. Love, -Sean P.S. Please post any new bugs from this update since I'm good at making them. I'll be releasing hotfixes over the next couple of days. [b]EDIT: Hotfix:[/b]