lighting is hard,, changed shadows mechanism

Ace Racers SP

Import, build, and export arena courses for space drone racing. Customize your ships thrust and rates, and work on your manual thrust skills.

Not a permanent change, but in an effort to understand how lighting works, I changed the shadows mechanism from "distance shadowmask" to "shadowmask" which is more basic. A quick rundown :: most of my scenes are asset demoscenes, I did not create them myself. Some have lighting, some have MORE lighting work, and some are pretty advanced lighting. All in all , I have two problems::: the framerate performance of some scenes is poor, and the lighting behavior is erratic, blinky, or in some cases outright unplayable depending on what I tried. So , in this case I had a problem with framerate, so first I tried to turn off shadows which worked very well to improve performance but resulted in some extreme lighting behavior depending on the attitude of the playervehicle. So,, I had to have shadows on to prevent this behavior, but in the end changed to a "lower quality" shadows engine. The problem now is that I did not change only this one scenes engine, the setting applies to the entire game, so now the ENTIRE GAME is changed because one scene didn't have good performance. It is possible to change this for only one scene using some scripting that will change the setting when the scene is loaded, and change it back when the scene is exited, but this is overall something I will only do if I determine that it is the appropriate permanent fix, as it is a lot of "spaghetti all over the place" not that I don't like spaghetti. I was just thinking today how I better keep my entire codebase a secret or else I'll have people leaving cans of pasta sauce on my doorstep.