Late game (TL2+) balance adjustements and bug fixes

Incremental Adventures

Lead your heroes in their neverending adventures! A minimalistic Idle game where combat is fully automated. It's up to you to make the most of that automation to reach extremely high numbers!

[list] [*] Buffed the conversion formula of transcension points between layers, causing lower layers to yield more transcension points to higher layers. This aims to reduce the slowdown in progression during TL2 and up [expand type=details]For those of you that are interested in the internal math, the related formula was changed from:[code][(TLn-1 points / ((TLn-1)^2*100))^([b][u]0.7[/u][/b]^((TLn-1)^0.5))][/code] to [code][(TLn-1 points / ((TLn-1)^2*100))^([b][u]0.775[/u][/b]^((TLn-1)^0.5))][/code](not including the diminishing return that applies when available points surpass currently claimed points)[/expand] [*] Fixed a bug that caused auto-ascend "when possible" to not work as intended, if the "autobuyers on manual ascensions" option was disabled [*] Fixed a bug that could cause ascension and prestige autobuyers to trigger for the current layer when purchasing a gameplay unlock [*] Fixed a small imprecision in the number displays, very rarely causing them to display as 0.99eN when they should show as 1.00eN [*] Fixed a bug that could cause Steam to think Increlution (my other game) was launched when launching the game directly from the installation folder [/list]