Kickstarter Pre-Launch page LIVE NOW

They Speak From The Abyss

Lost in a cursed world. Surrounded by the tortured souls of the damned. Is the only way out truly a baptism in blood? Face demons head-on, talking or fighting your way through this surreal, psychological horror, dungeon crawling RPG.

Our [url=]Kickstarter Pre-Launch page[/url] is [b]live now[/b]! Please give it a follow to help signal boost the project, and so you receive a notification when it goes live ([i]planned for early November currently[/i]) [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42687705/410003ada6d5ded5439f60568b6c0e18a914a410.png[/img][/url] [b]THEY SPEAK FROM THE ABYSS[/b] was created with the hope of oneday expanding it into a full game. The original demo was released to test basic functionality, and ended up being included in one of Markiplier's horror game compilations, as well as the [url=]Haunted PS1 Demo Disc: Spectral Mall[/url]! The resulting attention and support set us down a path to ramp up development on the full game. (THEY SPEAK gameplay starts at 14:00) [previewyoutube=L3SvDecwBto;full][/previewyoutube] This was such an early build of the game. It didn't even have combat yet! We never would have expected it to catch on so quickly. We're thrilled with how far this game has come in the last few months, and know that with your help, it has the potential to be something huge! Thanks for checking it out. -Graeme (2 Left Thumbs)