Kickstarter live NOW + New demo

They Speak From The Abyss

Lost in a cursed world. Surrounded by the tortured souls of the damned. Is the only way out truly a baptism in blood? Face demons head-on, talking or fighting your way through this surreal, psychological horror, dungeon crawling RPG.

[h3]Kickstarter live NOW[/h3] Our crowdfunding campaign [url=]went live this morning[/url]. It's only been 2 hours, and the Kickstarter is already 27% funded!! With your help, we know we can make this game into something *incredibly* special! [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42687705/971358dc1ac6ba696822c94d4624d2f7e038e2d1.png[/img][/url] Don't miss your chance to back this passion project, and earn some cool rewards along the way! [h2]NEW DEMO[/h2] A sparkly (well... more grimy and slimy than sparkly) new demo is in the works. We wanted desperately for it to be ready for both the Kickstarter and Steam Scream Fest - but polishing up the combat is taking some extra effort. We wouldn't want to set a precedent of sacrificing quality just to push something out! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42687705/94abf9758ae99771f294a3cd23a505958104dcce.png[/img] Here is an early peek at how the combat system will look. We'll update it as SOON as it's ready to go public. Keep an eye out on [url=]Nikki's twitter[/url] for updates on the game, Kickstarter, and demo!