They Speak From The Abyss

Lost in a cursed world. Surrounded by the tortured souls of the damned. Is the only way out truly a baptism in blood? Face demons head-on, talking or fighting your way through this surreal, psychological horror, dungeon crawling RPG.

[h3][b]THEY SPEAK: ZENITH[/b] is coming soon.[/h3] Early on after the [url=][b]THEY SPEAK[/b] Kickstarter[/url], it was clear that the original engine was inadequate to match Nikki's ambitions for the project. This led to restarting development in a new RPG framework. This added freedom and flexibility opened many doors, but some practice was still needed. Thus, [b]ZENITH[/b] was born! [h3]It will be completely [b]Free[/b], and arrives [b]June 26th[/b]![/h3] [previewyoutube=9QsIFZymjck;full][/previewyoutube] What started as a tech demo, slowly and naturally blossomed into a standalone Prologue for [b]THEY SPEAK[/b]. Be sure to add it to your [b]Wishlists[/b] so you don't miss out!