Jupiter Hell 1.8 - Abattoir!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33717650/ac62a5d1cf877420bcb54f055bf64d57adba53af.png[/img] Just when you thought it was safe, 1.8 "Abattoir" is out! [h2]== Ossuary, Abattoir and expanded Dante! ==[/h2] [list] [*] NEW #1862 - new Dante branch - Ossuary! [*] NEW #1863 - new Dante branch special - Abattoir! [*] NEW #1864 - new Dante branch Abattoir boss! [*] NEW #1839 - new Dante enemy variant - frost guardian! [*] NEW #1868 - Dante has its own station variants! [*] NEW #1494 - new lootbox models for Dante [*] NEW #1858 - Dante is now 5 levels deep! [*] CHANGE #1520 - minor visual improvements of Dante [*] CHANGE #1570 - improved Dante Inferno rewards [*] CHANGE #1847 - visibility of Dante crates improved for less bumpin' [/list] This is the meat (heh), of the update - a brand new branch for Dante, with a new mechanic, a new special level and a very interesting and scary boss. Do treat this as a victory lap - the boss fight might prove more difficult than the regular boss, but gives a medal (with a whopping 500 points) to brag about it, kinda "full win" style! There are several minor improvements (everyone will enjoy the increased visibility of barrels), with new Dante stations with their own set of options, and dedicated lootbox models (yes, terminals will come soon too!). Length of the main branch has been expanded by one, Inferno rewards have been slightly improved and there's a new Guardian variant to boot! [h2]== Scouts and shotguns ==[/h2] [list] [*] CHANGE #1847 - Scouts now start with 3 weapon slots too [*] CHANGE #1831 - all shotguns apply Slowdown (-50% move speed) for 1.5s [*] CHANGE #1831 - most shotguns now have 0.75 swap time [/list] Scout 2 weapon slot setup was thematic, but it did restrict the variety of his gameplay. We're eyeing changing his Hoarder trait too in the next patch, but for now he can enjoy the newly greatly buffed shotguns. [h2]== Early game improvements ==[/h2] [list] [*] NEW #1703 - CAL L2 boon - either T2 speial chest or terminal procure! [*] NEW #1859 - CAL L1 - two new intro level generators [*] CHANGE #1850 - minor improvements to Callisto level generators [/list] More variety in the L1 levels that you've all played to death! Additionally small improvements in Callisto all around, and a special reward in Callisto L2 - a special chest on the first 3 difficulties, or a Terminal procure option on UV+ for less reliance on RNG for the most important items! [h2]== Gauntlet and Conduct medals ==[/h2] [list] [*] NEW #1871 - new trial - the Gauntlet! [*] NEW #1559 - 21 new medals in 7 new "nethack-style conducts" series! [/list] Here's one for the madmen. A new trial, the ultimate challenge, the Gauntlet. A fixed weekly seed for you to compete against other player. Same map, same spawns, same items, same punishing and extremely quickly scaling difficulty. Expect to die. Additionally, the game now recognizes some conducts - playing without using medkits, multitools, armors, masteries, etc, not unlike the old and loved NetHack conducts (anyone old enough to remember those? :P). See Medals section in player data for details. You get partial credit, so if you maintain a conduct for a bigger part of the game you still get recognized for it! [h2]== Exalted enemies ==[/h2] [list] [*] NEW #1846 - 6 brand new exalted keywords! [*] CHANGE #1830 - exalted RESIST split to IMMUNE and RESIST [*] CHANGE #1830 - LETHAL and DEADLY can no longer appear together [*] CHANGE #1830 - exalted reaver and fiend ranged weapons inc damage/acc [*] CHANGE #1830 - UNSTABLE removed from the non-exalted Inferno pool [*] FIX #1830 - fixed exalted fiends/ravagers with double ranged weapons [/list] Following the theme of catering to the endgame players, we provide some much needed variety and balance (and a vital fix!) in exalted keywords. Some of the new ones are really flashy! [h2]== Japanese translation ==[/h2] [list] [*] NEW #1791 - Japanese translation! [/list] Japanese has been added to the list of available languages. Please note that the translation was done against 1.7, so there are some texts still missing - we will update them soon(ish)! We're eager to hear feedback on the translation! [h2]== Other stuff ==[/h2] [list] [*] NEW #1843 - new accessibility option - object outlines [*] NEW #1354 - added and improved skill and kit FX [*] CHANGE #0000 - FXAA only active on highest shader level [*] CHANGE #0000 - AWP git gud capped at +200% [/list] While Dante barrels, the worst offender, are now easier to spot, if you want your furniture to be even more visible, you'll enjoy the new outline option. We've added some sweet FX where needed too! Finally AWP got a slight nerf, mostly because it made Endless extremely boring (it's still quite boring, but we'll get to that next release!). [h2]== Plethora of fixes == [/h2] [list] [*] FIX #1825 - prevent Stage 3 boss from flying away too far [*] FIX #1878 - fixed menu keys being stuck in loop [*] FIX #1877 - fixed languages menu multipling in mod mode [*] FIX #1866 - watcher effects will trigger even if watcher can't take action [*] FIX #1866 - watchers won't watch themselves [*] FIX #1801 - fixed potential crash on Steam Deck save and quit [*] FIX #0000 - fixed Deadly Precision abbreviation [*] FIX #0000 - fixed Supply/Proto mixup in one Asterius breach version [*] FIX #0000 - fixed offscreen emitters being shortly visible at creation [*] FIX #0000 - fixed rendering of tiled textures (spaceport, altar) [*] FIX #0000 - fixed Carnage found bullet count [/list] Several fixes have been made, not all of them on this list. The three major ones are probably the fixes to Watcher AI, the Steam Deck crash fix (hopefully works!) and the Boss fight head flying away instead of fighting like a ... head. [h2]== Raw changelog == [/h2] [h3]Release 1.8 - Abattoir - March 11th, 2024[/h3] [list] [*] NEW #1862 - new Dante branch - Ossuary! [*] NEW #1863 - new Dante branch special - Abattoir! [*] NEW #1864 - new Dante branch Abattoir boss! [*] NEW #1839 - new Dante enemy variant - frost guardian! [*] NEW #1868 - Dante has its own station variants! [*] NEW #1871 - new trial - the Gauntlet! [*] NEW #1791 - Japanese localization! [*] NEW #1843 - new accessibility option - object outlines [*] NEW #1846 - 6 brand new exalted keywords! [*] NEW #1703 - CAL L2 boon - either T2 speial chest or terminal procure! [*] NEW #1859 - CAL L1 - two new intro level generators [*] NEW #1559 - 21 new medals in 7 new "nethack-style conducts" series! [*] NEW #1494 - new lootbox models for Dante [*] NEW #1858 - Dante is now 5 levels deep! [*] NEW #1354 - added and improved skill and kit FX [*] CHANGE #1847 - Scouts now start with 3 weapon slots too [*] CHANGE #1831 - all shotguns apply Slowdown (-50% move speed) for 1.5s [*] CHANGE #1831 - most shotguns now have 0.75 swap time [*] CHANGE #0000 - FXAA only active on highest shader level [*] CHANGE #1520 - minor visual improvements of Dante [*] CHANGE #1830 - exalted RESIST split to IMMUNE and RESIST [*] CHANGE #1830 - LETHAL and DEADLY can no longer appear together [*] CHANGE #1830 - exalted reaver and fiend ranged weapons inc damage/acc [*] CHANGE #1830 - UNSTABLE removed from the non-exalted Inferno pool [*] CHANGE #1850 - minor improvements to Callisto level generators [*] CHANGE #1847 - visibility of Dante crates improved for less bumpin' [*] CHANGE #1570 - improved Dante Inferno rewards [*] CHANGE #0000 - AWP git gud capped at +200% [*] FIX #1825 - prevent Stage 3 boss from flying away too far [*] FIX #1830 - fixed exalted fiends/ravagers with double ranged weapons [*] FIX #1878 - fixed menu keys being stuck in loop [*] FIX #1877 - fixed languages menu multipling in mod mode [*] FIX #1866 - watcher effects will trigger even if watcher can't take action [*] FIX #1866 - watchers won't watch themselves [*] FIX #1801 - fixed potential crash on Steam Deck save and quit [*] FIX #0000 - fixed Deadly Precision abbreviation [*] FIX #0000 - fixed Supply/Proto mixup in one Asterius breach version [*] FIX #0000 - fixed offscreen emitters being shortly visible at creation [*] FIX #0000 - fixed rendering of tiled textures (spaceport, altar) [*] FIX #0000 - fixed Carnage found bullet count [/list] [h2]== What's next == [/h2] Yes, this version was supposed to be "Aftermath". Next version will surely be :P. Expect more Dante and Callisto improvements and who knows, maybe finally a new class?