Jupiter Hell 1.7 - Creation!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33717650/ef1ad91a0f3b459b3c2250106440431b4cfa7001.png[/img] Took a bit longer than usual as we're busy with bringing JH to other devices, but the big feature of 1.7 is now ready - Steam Worshop support (and modding in general) is live! [h2]== Modding ==[/h2] [list] [*] NEW #0012 - Modding/Steam Workshop support! [*] NEW #1803 - modmode has been added for modding purposes [/list] Head to [b][url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/811320/workshop/]Steam Workshop[/url][/b] now, as there are already a few mods waiting to be tried out, including Hellpedia, several challenges and a new class to boot! To those interested in trying their hand themselves, we're slowly building up documentation [here - https://github.com/chaosforgeorg/jh-mods/wiki/] (also serves as a repo for the sample mods) and the best place to ask questions is (as usual) the Jupiter Hell Discord ( https://discord.gg/jupiterhell ). [h2]== Early Game ==[/h2] [list] [*] NEW #1391 - early game - 4 exotic weapons, 1 consumable, 1 armor [*] NEW #1756 - flavor e-mails with branch mechanics spoilers [*] CHANGE #1799 - EXPT'L - enemies deal 60% damage on EASY (but full acc) [/list] We're constantly trying to improve the early game experience, adding new content and variety. This time we have new early game exotic weapons, a nova device and a new exotic armor. We also introduced new flavor e-mails (gray) in each moon branch that give hints to the nature of the branch mechanics. Finally, a bit experimentally, we changed how EASY difficulty works - instead of reducing enemy accurancy, we instead reduced enemy damage. The reason behind this change is that being hit is the most important feedback you get in terms of whether you play properly, so EASY was not a great teacher to get to higher difficulties. Feedback on this change is very welcome! [h2]== Tier 2 and 3 Stations ==[/h2] [list] [*] NEW #1804 - tech and med stations have tier 2 and 3 variants [/list] Medical and technical stations come in Tier 2 and Tier 3 varieties. There's quite a few never before seen options in those stations so be on the lookout! Mostly they can appear in mini-levels and vaults. [h2]== Quality of Life ==[/h2] [list] [*] NEW #1794 - all post mortems are archived in morgue subfolder [*] NEW #1795 - post mortems can be viewed from highscore screen [*] CHANGE #1776 - charge based terminals return to last option after use [*] CHANGE #1793 - backup of score.dat and player.dat if > 1024b [*] CHANGE #1798 - in Purgatory only the glyph room blocks save and quit [/list] Post mortems got a bit of upgrades. From now on they're all archived in a subfolder of the games folder. You can also view them from the score screen for mortems created from now on. We also added a backup system for score and player dat files. If you accidentaly lose one of them, be sure to quickly recover them from a .backup file. These will not be overwritten immedately, only after a game or two, so you have time! [h2]== Balance ==[/h2] [list] [*] CHANGE #1799 - buffed damage of all shotguns [*] CHANGE #1789 - all rotaries got a damage buff and -25% crit damage [*] CHANGE #1789 - drum launcher and grenade launcher damage nerf [*] CHANGE #1789 - Gun Kata - crit damage from lev 1, +100% at lev 3 [*] CHANGE #1783 - most ancient items got significant buffs [*] CHANGE #1799 - JoviSec armor crit chance 25% -> 15% [*] CHANGE #1804 - Sysop L3 extra charges 3->4 [*] CHANGE #1391 - higher level infestations (Endless) will be more varied [*] CHANGE #1391 - medusa infestations added [/list] As usual, here's the new meta :P. On a more serious note - only the grenade launchers were seriously overperforming (especially looking at you, drum launcher) so a nerf was inevitable. JoviSec armor was a bit to strong, taking away variety in Callisto branch choice and often locking the armor for the whole run. We still want it to be strong, just not OP. To make up for that, several other things have been significantly buffed - all rotaries, all shotguns, Gun Kata, ancient items and SysOp. Hopefully that increases the variety of stuff that is viable for a run! Finally, for those Endless players, and just because we have a cruel streak, Medusa infestations are a thing now. [h2]== Bugfixes ==[/h2] [list] [*] FIX #1775 - fixed performance issues in Callisto Rift [*] FIX #1775 - don't add exalted traits to player on INFERNO [*] FIX #1805 - fixed rare AV trait reroll issue - no more trait remove [/list] The regular amount of bugfixes is also present, some not noted on this list. [h2]== Raw Changelog ==[/h2] [h3]Release 1.7 - Creation - August 3rd, 2023[/h3] [list] [*] NEW #0012 - Modding/Steam Workshop support! [*] NEW #1391 - 5 new armor perks, 2 new helmet perks [*] NEW #1391 - early game - 4 exotic weapons, 1 consumable, 1 armor [*] NEW #1794 - all post mortems are archived in morgue subfolder [*] NEW #1795 - post mortems can be viewed from highscore screen [*] NEW #1756 - flavor e-mails with branch mechanics spoilers [*] NEW #1803 - modmode has been added for modding purposes [*] NEW #1804 - tech and med stations have tier 2 and 3 variants [*] CHANGE #1799 - EXPT'L - enemies deal 60% damage on EASY (but full acc) [*] CHANGE #1799 - buffed damage of all shotguns [*] CHANGE #1789 - all rotaries got a damage buff and -25% crit damage [*] CHANGE #1789 - drum launcher and grenade launcher damage nerf [*] CHANGE #1789 - Gun Kata - crit damage from lev 1, +100% at lev 3 [*] CHANGE #1776 - charge based terminals return to last option after use [*] CHANGE #1783 - most ancient items got significant buffs [*] CHANGE #1391 - higher level infestations (Endless) will be more varied [*] CHANGE #1391 - medusa infestations added [*] CHANGE #1793 - backup of score.dat and player.dat if > 1024b [*] CHANGE #1798 - in Purgatory only the glyph room blocks save and quit [*] CHANGE #1799 - JoviSec armor crit chance 25% -> 15% [*] CHANGE #1804 - Sysop L3 extra charges 3->4 [*] FIX #1775 - fixed performance issues in Callisto Rift [*] FIX #1775 - don't add exalted traits to player on INFERNO [*] FIX #1805 - fixed rare AV trait reroll issue - no more trait remove [/list] [h2]== What's next ==[/h2] Next version will be the [b]Aftermath[/b] release, due to sometime still this year, which should bring any requested modding improvements, endgame and Dante Station improvements, and maybe more - [i]stay tuned![/i] Also, we're working on... can we say it Hyperstrange? [i](Yes, you can! --HS)[/i] Can we? Yeah, the first port of Jupiter Hell. Expect a Nintendo Switch release at the turn of the year ;). [h3]Thank you,[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33717650/004e98061256dda3ac95738fd8db13a87798daef.png[/img]