[b]Jupiter Hell 1.6 "Watcher"[/b] introduces a new enemy type, adds new exalted keywords, armor and helmet manufacturer perks, updates master trait balance and more!
A bit longer in the production pipeline, and a bit smaller as we focus more of our efforts on porting and future ventures, we bring you update 1.6 "Watcher"!
[code] NEW #1599 - new enemy - Watcher - available in 4 variants! [/code]
A new enemy is roaming the Jovian moons, one that will bring misery by his gaze alone! Each of the three moons has its own variant, and there's a really deadly exalted version to be encountered too!
[h3]==Armor/Helmet manufacturer perks==[/h3]
[code] NEW #1752 - armors and helmets have manufacturer perks [/code]
Just as weapons have their dedicated perks depending on the branch they're found on, so will now armors and helmets. As with weapons, the manufacturer perks are applied to basic and exotic versions of armor/helmets.
[h3]==Nightmare changes==[/h3]
[code]NEW #1777 - strong enough toxin/fire/acid will "melt" (gib) enemies
CHANGE #1778 - gibbing once again prevents Nightmare respawns
CHANGE #1777 - dual weapons take into account next weapon when gibbing
CHANGE #1775 - Inferno keywords match enemy type exalted keyword pool
FIX #1775 - Inferno exalted enemies won't get extra keywords [/code]
[h3]==Exalted upgrades==[/h3]
[code]NEW #1775 - LETHAL and TOUGH exalted keywords (weaker DEADLY/RESIL)
NEW #1775 - RESIST, ICE, HELLFIRE, TOXIN exalted keywords added! [/code]
While revisiting Nightmare/Inferno, we thought that the exalted enemy keywords could use some more variety and could have less deadly effects on lower tiers. DEADLY and RESILIENT have their weaker counterparts, RESIST may appear on high tier enemies, and most elemental enemies now have a new set of ICE/HELLFIRE/TOXIN keywords.
[h3]==Master trait balance==[/h3]
[code]CHANGE #1780 - Bladedancer decreases move time by 10%/lvl
CHANGE #1780 - improved Gunrunner bonuses
CHANGE #1780 - Assassinate stealth refund from L1, L3 is +200% crchance
CHANGE #1780 - Bulletstorm - ammo use 50% at L1, pistols/L2 penalty 110%
CHANGE #1780 - Headshot - Pistol/Semi only, if pistol crit chance is 2x [/code]
While we know that perfect balance is unachievable, we definitely want to get to a point where no Master Trait is "below B tier". This is the newest round of changes, expect further balance tweaks in further updates!
[h3]==Difficulty balance==[/h3]
[code]CHANGE #1775 - exalted warlocks will appear not only as respawns
CHANGE #1774 - Hunt events on Io and Dante have 90/120 turns timers
CHANGE #1773 - Mines exalted reaver weaker on EASY and MED
CHANGE #1773 - fanatic explosion dmg difficulty dependent (lower on E/M) [/code]
Same as with trait tuning, some general difficulty tuning is in order. In particular, the game is a bit deadly to newcomers, hence some targeted changes for EASY and MEDIUM players. Oh, and if you play on UV+ have some exalted warlocks, because screw you :P.
[h3]==Burning changes==[/h3]
[code]CHANGE #1781 - smoke creation and med/stimpacks remove flames under user
FIX #1781 - negative ignite resistance no longer escalates fire dmg [/code]
We messed up a bit with burning damage, especially with how it interacted with negative ignite resistance. This will no longer produce escalating damage, so no more cheesy "bring a inferno grenade to the Europa boss-fight" wins! On the flip side, packs and smoke effects will now remove flames from the floor.
[code]FIX #1766 - fixed corpse/debris remove options
FIX #1766 - fixes to Mimir friendly bot counter and target issues
FIX #1766 - fixed late demons not spawning on high level Callisto maps
FIX #1766 - fixed blue keycard costs not matching code in Valhalla [/code]
Shipping is the usual bit of bugfixes, the most notable ones listed above.
[h2]==Full Changelog==[/h2]
[code]Release 1.6 - Watcher - December 21st, 2022
NEW #1599 - new enemy - Watcher - available in 4 variants!
NEW #1777 - strong enough toxin/fire/acid will "melt" (gib) enemies
NEW #1775 - LETHAL and TOUGH exalted keywords (weaker DEADLY/RESIL)
NEW #1775 - RESIST, ICE, HELLFIRE, TOXIN exalted keywords added!
NEW #1752 - armors and helmets have manufacturer perks
CHANGE #1778 - gibbing once again prevents Nightmare respawns
CHANGE #1777 - dual weapons take into account next weapon when gibbing
CHANGE #1780 - Bladedancer decreases move time by 10%/lvl
CHANGE #1780 - improved Gunrunner bonuses
CHANGE #1780 - Assassinate stealth refund from L1, L3 is +200% crchance
CHANGE #1780 - Bulletstorm - ammo use 50% at L1, pistols/L2 penalty 110%
CHANGE #1780 - Headshot - Pistol/Semi only, if pistol crit chance is 2x
CHANGE #1775 - Inferno keywords match enemy type exalted keyword pool
CHANGE #1775 - exalted warlocks will appear not only as respawns
CHANGE #1774 - Hunt events on Io and Dante have 90/120 turns timers
CHANGE #1773 - Mines exalted reaver weaker on EASY and MED
CHANGE #1773 - fanatic explosion dmg difficulty dependent (lower on E/M)
CHANGE #1781 - smoke creation and med/stimpacks remove flames under user
FIX #1781 - negative ignite resistance no longer escalates fire dmg
FIX #1766 - fixed corpse/debris remove options
FIX #1766 - fixes to Mimir friendly bot counter and target issues
FIX #1766 - fixed late demons not spawning on high level Callisto maps
FIX #1766 - fixed blue keycard costs not matching code in Valhalla
FIX #1775 - Inferno exalted enemies won't get extra keywords [/code]
[h3]==What's Next?==[/h3]
Probably time to take a slight breather, but we haven't forgotten about neither Dante upgrades, nor about Workshop integration and full modding - expect to hear about those in the first half of 2023! 'Till next year!