June Playtest Changelog

Sea Of Rifts Playtest

Ahoy captains! We are back with a new playtest build full of additions and fixes to the game. These are: [b]New stuff:[/b] Reactive vibes! The text describing what happens aboard the ship are now much more tailored to the crew and can also affect the game. This makes the crew come much more alive. New shop UI that makes it easy to buy more more than one item at a time and just looks a lot better Updated main menu UI When visiting a port you can now decide if it should be the return target for the Lode Anchor Tutorial has been streamlined so you first learn about assigning duties after reaching the first harbour Renderscale setting in options menu to help with performance on lower end graphics cards and at high resolutions. Could be beneficial for playing on a Steamdeck as well to help out with battery life The traits you create your captain with has been rewritten to fit better with the world building Ambition trait. When creating your captain you also have to decide why they are seeking The Great Rift Various visual improvements You now start with fever provisions More balancing Better way of selecting resolutions in options menu (thanks for reporting it @LuxiePotato) [b]Fixes[/b] Equipment can now be sold in shops Intro text fades in better (thanks for reporting it @LuxiePotato) UI fixes related to shop UI and the event UI Notifications show when journal is open even in harbour Taking the same quest type like finding a missing ship from the same harbour now gives you a new location to get to Various smaller bug fixes Looking forward to hear what you think! - Captain Alex