A decade ago a civil war tore across the Kingdom. Zack, an orphan, embarks on a mission to improve his loved ones' lives. Uncover schemes, investigate mysteries, and debate the citizens and nobles of Gataela! Will he discover hidden truths that threaten to rip apart the nation all over again?
Hello everyone! We hope you are handling the humidity well because – wow it’s been hot, humid and ever so smokey here. Here’s what we’ve been up to over the last month!
[h1]Assets Assets Assets[/h1]
Over the past year or so we’ve worked on a graphical update and on expanding the turn-based battle system by adding new enemies, skills and animations but…. well… it seems it hasn’t been added to the game yet. Whoops.
We did a small audit and it turned out a lot of various animations were missing, so we worked on adding them and- y’know- there were just a few missing. A few hundred. Close to a thousand really. Well more than that. So… that was our month.
Also taking care of this cat.
This spry young 15.5 year old cat needed an emergency operation… after more than a week of various tests, late nights (and mornings) at emergency clinics etc. No need to worry – she’s doing fine (although she hates the cone) but this sort of meant that this month was dominated by mundane work and cat care.
[h1]Ambience Improvements[/h1]
As for polish improvements, we made a small change so that when you walk through ambience the BGM will quiet down. You’ll now be able to hear the buzz of the forest, the roaring waves and the hum of markets much more clearly!
Also we made our first test room as we will have incoming VFX and SFX surface improvements!
[h1]What’s Next?[/h1]
We’ll be mainly catching up on last month’s work:
[*]Finish adding Myranova interiors
[*]Finalizing Cutscene music
[*]TTBattle Skills and Balancing
And if we happen to finish catching up before the end of the month, we’ll be moving onto more interiors and cutscenes!