It's One Button Bosses, it's all in the name. You have one button. There are big bosses to beat. Push, tap, and bash in the handcrafted campaign or in the roguelike rifts.
[h2]We're starting a series of video Dev Diaries on our Youtube channel!
If you're curious about how One Btn Bosses was made [b]join us on [url=]Youtube [/url]every Tuesday at 6 pm - [i]starting today![/i] - CEST[/b]! The deves are going to go in depth about the level design of the game, its art, and the inspirations behind it.
[i]First One Btn Dev Diaries episode[/i]: [b]MAKE A LEVEL WITH ME by Brin!! [/b]🔥 He’s going to let us into his brain and tell us all about how he approaches the design of the handcrafted levels in 1BB, patterns, difficulty curve and much more.
See you then!