It's One Button Bosses, it's all in the name. You have one button. There are big bosses to beat. Push, tap, and bash in the handcrafted campaign or in the roguelike rifts.
A few minor changes that are coming in an update today:
[*] The wording on the discovery cards should now be different, more consistent throught the whole set
[*] Additionally there should be no grammar mistakes now :')
[*] The "danger" animation towards the end of fights should not cause performance issues anymore
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
[*] Playing from a computer with a Chinese system language should not break the text in the game
[*] In rare cases your rift save file could not be correctly reset after finishing a level. If this happens again a wishlist popup will appear and after clicking continue you will be able to continue playing normally. This is not the most elegant solution but allows us to quickly provide a fix for those affected