Age of Fear 4: The Iron Killer

Play as Angela, a fearless young Vampire Hunter on the trail of a brutal murderer. Along with the mysterious Nazell, embark on an epic quest into the heart of the criminal underworld. Age of Fear is a complex turn-based strategy series (full of jokes) that fuses a tabletop wargame with RPG elements.

Hello all, I hope you are having a good time. Recently we have been frequently patching all games in the series and it's a good moment to list all changes. Those are substantial chances, therefore please keep reading. [list] [*]We upgraded to the more recent Java 17 (previously we embedded Java 10 with our games). That gave us access to many new features and optimisations. In our tests, the game engine is working around 40% faster. [*]Complete attack types are displayed in the lower part of the screen. Our items system often results in layered effects for an attack, for example, a strike could be Fire- and Cold-based (at the same time), could be causing a Stun and also reducing Defence. With this version we display all effects a given attack has. [*]Open World battles feature a Retreat option where you can abandon battle for a small gold penalty. This feature was requested quite long ago, but we finally got to it. [*]Fog and Slippery are new battle conditions to be found in Swamps and Winter levels respectively. Fog is reducing the range of projectile-based attacks and spells, Slippery occasionally causes units to slip and lose an action. [*]Disease was refactored significantly and now infected units will happily spread it around. This is a part of tactics coming in new games in the series. [*]Polymorph spells and skills are also moving effects to and from morphed units. For example, poisoned Dryad changing into Bear will carry over the poisoned status. [*]Lamp of Blood (in Krill) campaign is working as a pre-battle action (to be used during Deploy Turn). We hope to add more skills like that which allow players to modify the battlefield before battle. [*]A few new detector-like skills were added, for example Scan for Guardians. The AI is also more efficient with the use of Invisibility. [*]Angela received a secret (and very powerful!) weapon. It's hidden in her campaign - who will find it first? [/list] As always, any feedback is welcome! If there are bugs or issues (especially after Java update), please post them on forums in the bugs-section. Take care, Les