[b]iVIBRATE Ultimate Edition[/b] v3.06 is live now!
[u]Features & improvements include:[/u]
[*] [b]v3.05 - Takeover Studios[/b] - Takeover Studios and Kink Master Studios are the same person, me ;) , but Takeover Studios will be the main name I will be releasing new apps & games under. Nothing will change with anything Kink Master Studios related as all adult games will still be released under KMS. Just when non adult games are released they will be released exclusively under Takeover Studios.
[*] [b]v3.05 - UI Updates & Tips Section[/b] - UI changes and Tips section updates to make things a bit more clear.
[*] [b]New Motor Sliders[/b] - New sliders replace both the motor selection and strength! You now have total control over each motor and its strength allowing for more control over your gamepads vibration than ever before!
[*] [b]New Controls[/b] - Take control of these new sliders with new controls. Hold the modifier buttons to control each motor independently right from your gamepad!
[*] [b]Updated Gamepad Support[/b] - You now have the ability to drag using the gamepad cursor! This includes any sliders in the app, like the new Motor Sliders or even the resolution & framerate cap settings.
[*] [b]New Main Menu System[/b] - iVIBRATE finally has a proper menu. This should help declutter the main iVIBRATE window so you can concentrate on what's important.
[*] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] - Fixes to the FPS counter not working on restart and the quit quick feature not working correctly.
[*] [b]Steering Wheel Support Update[/b] - Some people may have had issues with the last update, this seemed to be due to the Logitech SDK always being on. This has now moved to a toggle in Settings > Controls. This should fix any issues that were caused by this in v3.04.
[*] [b]New Old Backgrounds[/b] - If you have been around long enough you would know iVIBRATE has gone through a lot of changes since its initial release. So here are some throwback backgrounds to celebrate all the changes!
[*] [b]Updated Tips[/b] - Tip sections have been updated to reflect changes made to iVIBRATE.
Kink Master Studios/Takeover Studios.
There has been a lot going on in my life recently with the loss of someone very close to me. I don't know how this will affect support and updates for everything, but I will do my best to continue forward. If it takes a while to receive a response or updates are quiet for a while, this is why. I hope everyone can understand.
Thanks, Dale.