iVUE Summer Update #2 v3.04

[b]iVIBRATE Ultimate Edition[/b] v3.04 is live now! [u]Features & improvements include:[/u] [list] [*] [b]Steering Wheel Support[/b] - It's back! Take control of your steering wheel like you never have before. Works with all vibration patterns and strengths. The steering wheel is now automatically detected, no need to enable anything. (Logitech G920 & G29 have been tested and working, other steering wheels may work) [*] [b]Manual Vibrate[/b] - Take even more control of how you vibe. Manual Vibrate allows you to hold a button to vibrate instead of using the standard toggle function. [*] [b]Shuffle Patterns[/b] - Mix up your vibrations with the Shuffle Patterns toggle. Shuffle Patterns will randomly pick 1/30 vibration patterns to vibrate to, then change to a different pattern after a certain amount of time. Take even more control by determining how often you want to shuffle patterns too! [*] [b]Tips Section[/b] - Tips have been updated for ease of use and to find what you want quickly. Tips section has been updated with all the new features this update brings too! [*] [b]Updated UI/UX[/b] - Text style, size and placement has been adjusted, updated default controls, video settings drop down colours updated, settings section buttons layout and background updated & updates to the title/sub title for easier readability. [*] [b]Demo Updates[/b] - As the demo only supports 1 gamepad, the demo has been updated to handle multiple gamepads better. You no longer need to restart iVIBRATE Ultimate Edition Demo if you have more than 1 gamepad connected. If you plug and unplug multiple gamepads, it will recognise only one gamepad correctly and will allow you to use it with out having to restart. Demo also has received the UI/UX and Tips section update. [/list] Cheers. Kink Master Studios.