It's not A Way Out 2,' says Hazelight boss about their next game | Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons | Gamehypes

It's not A Way Out 2,' says Hazelight boss about their next game

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

Guide two brothers on an epic fairy tale journey from visionary Swedish film director, Josef Fares and top-tier developer Starbreeze Studios. Control both brothers at once as you experience co-op play in single player mode, like never before.

Fold up your overalls, prisoner. We don t know much about the next game from Hazelight, the studio who made co-op jailbreak em up A Way Out. But we at least know it isn t a sequel. “What I can say is that it’s not A Way Out 2, said Josef Fares, studio head, when he spoke to me at Gamelab Barcelona. But it’s going to be something with story, and in many cases remind [players] of Brothers and A Way Out, but in a very different way.

So, another co-op game? Maybe. Fares wouldn t say for certain, but he did leave a few vague breadcrumbs, amid his usual exuberant outpourings. He swore a lot, is what I m saying.
