Little Briar Rose is a very special, stained glass-styled adventure game inspired by the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale.
Hi all,
The first challenge of Indie Prize is upon us!!
There’s an online contest to vote for your preferred game at the event (Children of Silentown, of course) but, alas, the whole registration & voting process is described in 中文 !
Will you take up the challenge and give us your support?
Voting requires to install WeChat (which you can delete the second after) and following these “few” steps:
>> [url=]INSTRUCTIONS HERE[/url] <<
The procedure is a bit… convoluted, so to all the almighty heroes that will follow the whole ordeal we’d love to send our thanks!
Just email us at to receive plenty of love and a secret surprise!
Only remember: DEADLINE for submission is 6:00 am CET (Europe) on the 6th of November (yep, a bit more than 2 days!)
Thanks a bunch!