Introducing ROLLBACK NETCODE!! (Full Patch notes)

BlazBlue Centralfiction

Combining a 2D fighting game with a visual novel, the BlazBlue series continues on with massive fan support! The latest installation, BlazBlue: Centralfiction, serves as the ending to the Azure Saga, revealing the hidden truth of the world!

We have now officially implemented rollback netcode to the game's infrastructure, accommodating high quality online netplay environment for the game! Please view below for the full list of updates that has been implemented thus far: - Reduced and optimized game size from 50GB to 18GB. - Implemented rollback netcode for all online modes for the game. - Implemented Rematch options for Rank Match*, Player Match and Lobby Match*. * Limited to 2 matches in a row. - Players can leave the spectating battle while spectating a match mid-way and return to the room in Player Match now. - Display current app version at the bottom left of the main menu. - Adjusted the ping/connection icons to better reflect connection quality. - Added Steam and Discord rich presence compatibility. - Opponents played will now be added to Steam's "Recent Games" list from the "Players" or "View Players" menu. - Audio device hotswap is now handled. - Added original rendering additional scaling options - Fixed the search function of Player Match's room search by "Room Type"