It's the year 1850 - The world is changing. A new era of mass production and mass transportation has begun. For a smart businessman there are many opportunities. With a little money and good ideas you can establish a business empire.
[*]A Cancel button only exists within the building menu. This reverts the whole planning, but leaves the building open. For a general cancelling (or closing) of the window without any action there is a close button on top right corner of the window.
[*]All buttons save their last status. After navigating through the building menu to a certain kind of vehicle you will jump right into the same selection when opining the building menu again.
[*]Building menus can only be closed via right mouse button if the Undo button is not active. This will prevent unintended discard of an extensive planning phase.
[*]The undo button is now also active on seemingly invalid routes. In other words: unlimited undo function.
[*]Within the buy menu vehicles can be bought and sold via right button. The menu can in general not be closed via right mouse button anymore.
[*]Within the messages window one click on the message list suffices to read a message.
[*]New fonts improve the readability of all texts and tool tips significantly.
[*]All menus and windows are now transparent. A good view on the map is guaranteed even with big windows opened.
[*]With Shift-F2 to F4 you get into the most import zoom levels; F2 = 1:1, F4= 1:4.
[*]With F9 a decent grid is shown to help with all building.
[*]Renaming a station with shift + mouse button is now possible.
[b]Signaling System[/b]
[*]The main signals are now a type of pre-signals. If a train is advancing on a main signal, that is showing green, it will be checked if the passing of the next main signal is possible. If this isn’t possible the train will stop even in front of a green light. This system allows to build double-track routes with directional tracks ending in a single-track train station. This system is preventing the feared ‚deadlock‘ of trains, IF the signals are set the right way. If a ‚deadlock‘ is caused anyway there is now a ‚kill switch‘ – after a certain time the trains act like there are now signals anyway.
[*]In the original version, when several trains were waiting in front of signals, the ‚oldest‘ train (first bought) had the right of way. Now the train with the longest waiting time on the signal has the right of way.
[*]The difficulty level was generally raised. Easy is a little bit more difficult but still resembles sandbox mode. Medium is the perfect difficulty for relaxed playing – it allows a few bloopers and a little bit of extravagance. In the hard difficulty you have to play methodically, have patience and use your imagination.
[*]The max. native resolution is now 1920x1080 at 60 Hz.
[*]It’s now possible to zoom out more to level 1:5.
[*]The number of birds and other flying gimmicks was decreased. This will raise performance and overall look.
[b]Bug fixing[/b]
[*]Several crash and freeze bugs were eliminated.
[*]Added Windows 8 compatibility.