Important Info: Deprecating Structures

TerraTech Worlds

TerraTech Worlds is an open-world, PvE survival game set on an uncharted alien planet. Explore, mine, build, craft and battle your way through natural hazards and dangerous enemies, to harness the power of your environment. Play solo or up to 6 friends via online co-op, and get ready for adventure!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44238226/c9a18ee6b188b5459260538d79ae0593bb01c21f.png[/img] Hello all, today we have a quick update for you about a sea of pink that you might soon be seeing within your games. We have changed the AP layouts on most of the machines within TerraTech Worlds, in order to facilitate upcoming conduit and splitter/merger additions and changes. You will see these machine structure changes in the next TTW unstable build, which is currently due to be released later today (May 21st). [b]To make sure that old saves with big bases continue to work with our changes, we have kept the old structures in-game, and coloured them pink. You will still have access to them in your save games but you won’t be able to craft these older structures: you will only be able to craft the machines with the new AP layouts. This will give you the opportunity to fix your bases by replacing the old with the new, without having to remake any bases from scratch. We will eventually remove the old (pink machines) from the game but we will give you plenty of warning before this happens.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44238226/e7d3eae0d7a7b2617680ae0775fba8eba2fd209a.png[/img] We'll have more detailed information about these new additions/changes coming with the upcoming patch notes, but we wanted to give you a separate heads up about this issue in particular, as we know seeing a sudden landscape of pink where once there was orange might be confusing! Thank you, and keep an eye out later today for the full Unstable Patch Notes!