Hubris patch 1.1 available now


Hubris is a VR action-adventure game set in a unique and colourful Sci-Fi universe, with immersive movement options, including swimming, climbing, and jumping. Players will have to gather resources, craft food and upgrade their weapons to fight off alien wildlife, droids, and humanoid enemies.

Dear OOO-recruits and agents, We are excited to announce the first big balancing and QoL patch for Hubris. We improved the [b]gun aiming and stability[/b]. We adjusted the iron sight of the handgun to be more precise and easier to use, [img][/img] the [b]holo sight[/b] on the burst rifle now correctly [b]works [/b]and [img][/img] on top of that when you wield a gun with [b]two hands[/b] a[b] laser dot[/b] will appear for your more accurate far-range shots. [img][/img] Furthermore, we also[b] reduced[/b] the amount of [b]resources[/b] needed per upgrade. For those adventures who like to find everything out by themselves, we added an option to disable most of the tips Lucia gives you. [img][/img] Speaking of menu's we [b]overhauled [/b]the entire design of the [b]menus [/b]to enhance navigation and clarity. We included the option to select Chapters to start from after you completed a section of the game and you can also change save profiles from within the main menu. Hubris now has [b]localisation for Chinese and Dutch[/b] and thanks to one of our community members Mayky [b]Czech[/b]. [img][/img] Aside from these major changes we worked on [b]several smaller QoL additions[/b]: we increased the speed of creating healing drinks in the Loft, we made flying drones more responsive and aggressive, added better collision on a lot of spots, we improved the performance in the Cyan pumps, improved stability of climbing and many many more fixes. You can find the full list below. [img][/img] But this is not the end of it we got a few [b]major changes[/b] still in the pipeline for the game that will be made available to all of you next year. These changes will include but are not limited to [b]ambient music, further enhancing the AI of some enemies, reworking the gun reloading, NPC reactiveness and adjustments to voice recording[/b]. We are glad so many enthusiastic players are willing to support us as a studio and are willing to contribute with suggestions and help us further push Hubris. To Conclude we wish you a 2023 filled with VR-happiness and high-quality VR content. Know that we as Cyborn will do everything that we can on our end to fulfill this part with Hubris and our future patches! Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays, and a happy new year. And if you want to help us improve further upon hubris, please join our [url=]discord [/url]and come and share your experience of the game. [h2]Platform updates[/h2] While we launched there were a lot of problems with third-party platforms and software that made some features of the game not run well. We would like to thank all the platforms that applied fixes and updates since then so you can now enjoy and run the game on more headsets with more runtimes. • Valve added a patch on their beta branch which solves subtitles lagging the game on Steam openXR headsets. • WMR created a patch that is available on their beta branch which makes it possible to play the game on WMR devices with steam openVR: • VirtualDesktop made multiple patches by now and got a stable version so now you can use VD and SteamOpenXR to run the game wirelessly with Quest and Pico devices. • We are still talking to Varjo for a fix on their platform, something is broken on their end which causes the Foveated rendering filter to break the openXR stereo rendering layers. We are working together with them so they hopefully can provide all of you with a patch for this. [h2]Patch 1.1 full notes:[/h2] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] • Made all upgrades about 10 resource points cheaper per resource, making gun upgrades a lot more accessible. • Rebalanced salvage materials to lessen the grind of searching and dematerializing. • Lucia’s (Drone) hints can now be toggled on or off in the gameplay menu. • Drone detection ability has been increased in the Terraformer Interior to make them more aggressive in instanced where they would hang just outside of action range from the player. • The hoverbike can now be boosted with a single trigger press, instead of using both triggers. • The UI for all menu’s including start-up config has been revamped to be more user friendly and clear. • Loft juicer and food printer now works faster and smoother. The animation times and audio are cut so the player can insert all ingredients without pause. • Made some UI interaction on start-up clearer. • We passed over some dialogue to make them snappier. This was done blending certain animations and shaving some frames of others. • Fixed some dialogues triggering out of order in the SPI printer flow. • Added safety to soldering tool to make sure it’s always in place in the metro. • Did a pass on the Lucia drone movement to avoid clipping. • Underwater reactor in the SPIA can now be grabbed correctly. • Did a collision pass. Added collision to meshes where the player could still clip through. • Fixed hard locks in the tutorial when changing key bindings on certain buttons in SteamVR. • Wack now waits for the player before talking at the beginning of the terraformer interior. • The hooverbike now correctly stops and crashes when falling through gaps. • The debris at the end of the tunnel now correctly collides with the hooverbike. • Drones now have collision as well. • Players will respawn with a minimum of 25 percent hp. This way a ill-timed autosave with 5 percent health and no healing items should be less punishing. • Added extra Bhaptics calls in the ending scenes. • Slice no kills the player when slicing right through. • Added option to disable all screen shaking. • Pistol can now be fired as fast as you can pull the trigger. • Drones will now correctly respawn in the pillarforrest. • Containers on elevators now ease in and out when moving them. • The shotgun can now hit flying rocks and the shield generator. • All guns now have laser sights activated when grabbing them two-handed. • The pistol now has an accurate visor. • The burstguns’ holographic dot is now also accurate. • Added “without dying” to the “Speedy apprentice” and “License to speed” achievements to make clear that they need to be achieved in one run without dying. • Chapter selection is now available. Unlocking the previous act after it has been completed. [h3]Stability & Performance[/h3] • Level streaming has been further optimizes to prevent falling through the level. • Fixed not being able to jump near a moving elevator when not in the elevator. • Fixed certain particle effects not showing due to optimalisation. • Fixed particle effects not being destroyed. • Added particles optimizations across the board. • Disabling Mirror display will now correctly disable the view instead of showing the last frame. • Added option to tweak ambient occlusion shadow generation, fixing the double vision issue on the Index. • Thicksacks now have the correct collision applied during their destruction animation and when destroyed. • Bhaptics implementation has been migrated to SDK2. • Fixed object physics bugging out when thrown in the chasm in the cave of the waterpond. • Fixed Post processing effect not going away on respawn in SPIA. • Fixed doors at the end of the tutorial not being closed correctly on respawn. • Fixed Lucia Drone lights already being on before the player fixed the drone. • Fixed gun grab animations still showing without gun after respawn. • Fixed health bar visual incorrectly showing full health after respawn. • Fixed mines correctly despawning and deactivating in the cyanpump and metro levels. • Improved performance in cyanpump. • Provided a fall back for the arm IK’s in case the tensorflow libraries are removed from the game files. • Shield now correctly show (or don’t show) and reload in the cyanpump after respawning. • Tweaked lucia drone flying very close to the elevators. • Loading the first tutorial save now correctly hides the new game button. • Prevented accidental overlap of the metro level trigger when running around the SPIA. • Slice now has better collision in the cyancave. • Changing sharpness now correctly remembers the setting in the menu. • Screen shake now doesn’t carry over in the pause menu. • Squidprinter now loads correctly being closed at first. [h3]Animations[/h3] • Added general optimization and polish pass on animations. • Hand grabbing animations have been improved on certain meshes. • Fixed mismatches between the character animations and the voices. • Fixed some characters not being aligned on the floor. • Fixed trooper carrier in the pillarforrest being visible before the animation triggers. • Fixed Cyana’s hands clipping through the bed in the loft. • Wack now doesn’t get stuck in the terraformer reactor anymore. • Tweaked drone positioning in hangar interior to be in front of Wack when the speak to each other. [h3]Visuals[/h3] • Fixed stretching algae. • Fixed visual bug where object looked see-through when held in the sun with the inventory opened. • Fixed medkit glasses overlay effect being visible in the menu. • Fixed positioning of decals in the control room sequence of the terraformer. • Fixed large drone smoke lodding. • Fixed repairgun particles showing in the middle of the metro level. • Fixed Wacks holo being gone after loading. • Uron shadows now disappear faster when they’re vaporized. • Fixed floor texture lodding issues in pillar forrest. • Fixed loft holograms rendering layers. • Adjusted death overlay effect. • Increased lighting arc resolution on the Uron Shield generator. • Wack’s holo in the SPI is now angled less awkwardly towards him. • Optimized and fade in/out Giant Uronship beam trail. • Centered some UI elements. • Sparks now collide correctly with the floor. • Tweaked Tyrim’s ambient occlusion. • Fixed set dress not aligning on the floor in SPIA [h3]Audio[/h3] • Added surface hitting sounds to all objects. • Tweaked volume of a whole bunch of sounds and dialogues to be more clear. • Fixed some sounds that got mixed up. • Fixed Slice being broken audio. • Added new audio to the credits. • Fixed juiceprinter audio mismatch. • Fixed printer audio stopping too soon when removing tubes. [h3]Localisation[/h3] • Added Dutch, Czech and Chinese subtitles and localisation. • Added missing menu and UI localisation. • The contamination breach voice in tunnels B now has subtitles. • Split subtitles to have less text cover the image at one time.