How to get Unstable Energy and Corrupt Energy in Pacific Drive

Pacific Drive

Face the supernatural dangers of the Olympic Exclusion Zone with a car as your only lifeline in this driving survival adventure! Scavenge resources, load up your trusty station wagon, and drive like hell to make it through alive.

How do you get Unstable Energy and Corrupt Energy in Pacific Drive? Energy is an essential resource in Ironwood Studios' survival sim, allowing you to kit out your car with the latest upgrades and escape fatal storms. It's stored in Anchors scattered throughout the Olympic Exclusion Zone, represented as yellow circles on the junction map. The amount of energy stored in each Anchor varies, identifiable by the size of its energy circle - the greater the circle, the more energy (or (kLim) you can get from it.

Unstable Energy and Corrupt Energy are both required to unlock mid-to-late-game equipment and upgrades, including the LIM Shield. This high-tech kit is essential to complete Pacific Drive's story, so be sure to keep an eye out for the Pacific Drive ThermoSap Crystals required to craft it while you're out and about in the survival game. Now we've got the general tips out of the way, here's exactly how to find Pacific Drive Unstable Energy and Corrupt Energy.

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