Hotfix v0.28


Cursorblade is a bullet hell game where you play as the cursor, fighting your way through waves of enemies. Combine weapons and items to become more powerful with your own unique builds. Slash, dodge, upgrade, and repeat!

Bug Fixes: [list] [*] Fixed a bug where the game soundtracks overlap if the player pauses the game shortly after the weapon select screen. [/list][list] [*] Fixed a bug where the player can use an ability in the pause menu. [/list][list] [*] Fixed a bug where the game crashed if the player killed the last enemy of the last wave and died at the same time. [/list][list] [*] Fixed a bug where the player clicking the reroll button and pressing escape at the same time would cause weapon or item choices to overlap. [/list]Change: [list][*] Poyon, Popoyon and Papayon (all slime enemies) will be red when attacking. [/list]