Hotfix v0.1.8251

Wild West Dynasty

Conquer the Wild West. Explore the open world of a fictitious American Midwest and survive the harsh environment. Convince other settlers to join you and manage your ever-growing settlements. Build a home, take care of your farm and become a legend in Wild West Dynasty.

Hello cowboys and cowgirls! Another hotfix to ease life in the West. [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the cutscene text synchronization. [*] Fixed the load of broken save with a house error. [*] Fixed a loading issue for various structures with modules loading wrong. [*] Fixed an issue with crafting, causing an operands error, displaying minus symbols in the inventory. [*] Fixed Pantry and Crop dryer issues. [*] Fixed placing furniture on a foundation D sized 5x12. [*] Fixed an issue where the purchase costs for skills were doubled. [*] Momma J should serve and distribute food properly now. [*] Naming the warehouse should now be consistent between different panels. [*] Fixed a bug that caused damage to a dismounting player on horseback. [/list] [h3]Updated[/h3] [list] [*] Added audio for refilling a lantern (as feedback) [*] Several terrain updates like colorization and textures. [/list] IMPORTANT: Some modules for houses could have disappeared, these modules can be replaced anew and will stay after replacement.