Hotfix Update - Drive Beyond Horizons - Build 15515388

Drive Beyond Horizons

Rev up your engines and venture into the unknown with Drive Beyond Horizons! Conquer dynamic landscapes, customize your ride, and unearth hidden treasures. Get ready for heart-pounding challenges and endless excitement. Your adventure starts now !

We’ve just released a new hotfix addressing several important issues: [olist] [*] [b]Player Model Adjustment:[/b] Fixed an issue where the player's hair would clip through the roof of the Musgoat vehicle. Your stylish locks will now stay safely inside the vehicle. [*] [b]Zombie Animation Fixes:[/b] Resolved a bug causing zombies to "breakdance" upon reanimation. Zombies will now properly resume their undead activities without any unintended dance moves. [*] [b]Zombie Navigation Improvements:[/b] Updated the zombies' navigation mesh (NavMesh) to enhance their ability to track and pursue players more effectively. Zombies are now more capable of finding their way to you. [*] [b]Zombie Spawn Positioning:[/b] Addressed an issue where zombies would occasionally spawn half-buried in the ground. Zombies will now spawn correctly on the surface. [*] [b]Zombie Car Interaction:[/b] Zombies are now slightly less aggressive when attacking vehicles. They will still be a threat but won't tear your car apart as quickly as before. [*] [b]Zombie Optimization:[/b] Improved performance around zombies to reduce potential lag spikes when they are nearby. This optimization should lead to smoother gameplay when navigating through hordes. [*] [b]Zombie Spawn Distance:[/b] Adjusted the spawn distance of zombies, so they now appear slightly further away from the player. This change gives players more time to react to the incoming threat. [*] [b]Trailer Physics Fix:[/b] Fixed an issue where trailers would aggressively flip cars into the air if they slid around the towing vehicle. Trailers should now behave more predictably, reducing the likelihood of unintended aerial stunts. [/olist] We appreciate your continued feedback and support. Keep surviving out there!